Hansel Premium Cheddar Cheese Cookie Sandwich

4.8 5 0 89 89 Premium soft crunch cookie sandwich that has a rich cheddar cheese flavor cookie is made for your exquisite taste.
Hansel Premium Cheddar Cheese Cookie Sandwich


This is my first time to try a biscuit with Cheddar Cheese flavor. And na-inlove ako sa lasa. Ang creamy and crunchy at the same time.
This is one of my favorites. I'm a fan of cheese. You can really taste the CHEDDAR CHEESE inside the cookie sandwich and if you tried Combos, it tastes like this. Premium taste indeed!
Legit na premium
Legit masarap ito. And when you say premium.it really is premium. I hope maybiba pang flavors na macreate pero ang sarap neto super happy with the product.
if you're a fan of Combos, then definitely try this. Halos same lasa nila minus the salt sa labas ng combos.
Hansel premium
I love this hansel premium cheddar cheese! This is my favorite snack during office break time. This is good for sharing with friends and colleagues. My colleagues also like this hansel.
Hansel Premium
This hansel premium is really one of my favorite biscuits some of my closest officemates knew that this is my favorite, I have been buying this and eat it in my afternoon break at the office.
Good Snacks
This biscuits is one of my fav food every time im on break at work, perfect taste and of course because of the packaging the biscuits will not be easily crushed, when i put it on my handy bag.
This is my sister's favorite biscuit so I got curious how it tastes. I can say it's good. Well maybe because we have our own taste. Maybe I will more like it if it's tastier. Still, I would recommend it
Be premium
I'm not a fan of biscuit but my classmate always share his biscuit with me and this is his favorite brand so that I'm really familiar to this and I'm also addictive to it.
I'm not really a fun of Biscuits, But I've been addicted to this one. This has never been missed my grocery basket. Despite of this quarantine period, I have no way but to have it purchased on Pabili Service. It's definitely a Premium Biscuit.
Hansel Premium
I've been buying this product in Robinsons Supermarket for quite sometime. I love the taste, it feels so sophisticated and very delish afternoon snack. I have lactose intolerance and I can tolerate few Biscuits.
Light and Tasty!
I love this Hansel Premium, so light but so tasty. I like the sweet/salty taste and the crunchy cracker. A bit pricey if we really want to make it a regular snacks.
Salty Filling
Hansel biscuits has always been delicious and tasty as ever been but this one, Hansel Premium, isn't with its salty cheese filling. I don't like the filling. I has a weird taste and SALTY maybe from too much articial flavoring or msg. When I ate this, I removed its cheese filling and just ate the biscuits alone.
The taste is absolutely premium! The cheddar cheese tastes really good and the cracker still crispy and easily melt in your mouth. I enjoyed this perfect for every quick snack.
Ritz like?
I used to like ritz more. I think Hansel copied it from Ritz? i dunno. But that doesn't matter anymore coz I do like Hansel Premium now. Ritz' texture became poor.

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