another favorite from when I was a child, can fix so many cravings and the recipe has never changed
Vanessa(Massey East)
Home Tester
29 Reviews
Vanessa(Massey East)
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29 Reviews
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Childhood favourite
I have always loved marmite since I was a kid. Just the best on toast, crackers and in a sandwich with chips. Goes well with cheese on toast too. Good savoury flavour Just yum!
2 Reviews
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Excellent yeasty spread with a strong taste and smooth consistency. Yummo!
I enjoy this on toast. It a product you can add to a gravy. Great for kids school lunch
Home Tester
38 Reviews
Home Tester
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I tried Marmite for the first time yesterday in a sandwich my friend made for me. I have to say, I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t love it either. The flavor is really unique salty and intense which was a bit surprising at first. I can see why some people love it, but I’m still not sure it’s for me. Definitely an acquired taste!
I like marmite with sliced steamed veges on my toast. I sometimes sprinkle salt vinegar chips and cheese on the top of the marmite toast. My kids also like it. This is one of the essential items in my pantry.
This is the secret ingredient in my mince in patties and meatballs as well got a toddler and she eats the darn thing with a spoon Only complaint WWE need the big 1kg back.
This is what happens when no marmite on the edge of the toast my child only eat the bread where marmite was spread, I put butter and marmite on top.All eaten except for the bread edges. I will spread marmite then cover the plate for my little one's nibble snack later on.
Michelle (Waihi)
Michelle (Waihi)
Rebecca (Linwood)
Rebecca (Linwood)
Vanessa (Massey East)
Vanessa (Massey East)
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Shan (Wellington)
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Waiwai (Porirua)
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Julia (Auckland)
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Anna (Rd 1)
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Annmarie (Invercargill)
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Kirstie (Karori)
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Nc (Warkworth)
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Fay (New Lynn)
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Jason (One Tree Point)
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Shelley (Auckland)