Nescafé Classic Instant Coffee

4.6 5 0 28 28 This signature nescafé coffee has a distinct, bold flavour and unmistakable aroma that comes from a blend of high quality arabica and robusta beans. A medium roast gives it a full-bodied flavour and rich aroma.
Nescafé  Classic Instant Coffee


It's drinkable
It's only something I would drink, if someone is shouting the drink. Not exactly round, but still drinkable.
This in my opinion is the best value for money instant on the market,it's reasonably priced,good taste and unlike other similarly priced brand that are generally weak tasting, nescafe classic is not too strong but certainly not weak
Good for a basic instant coffee
Pretty good for an everyday coffee. I used to drink this every day at work and it was a decent drop. Good to get in the big tins as they last a long time and less risk of running out!
Fresh coffee every time, prefer it to even coffee machine coffee
A workplace staple
The great price without taste compromise offers a perfect workplace / staffroom staple. It's definitely not a great as luxury coffee but it's definitely not the worst on the shelf. Give it a crack!
Bold flavour.
I am a coffee addict. This is a well priced great flavoured coffee and when you smell it you just know it's good.
Best Coffee in NZ
Hi there I decided to purchase a Nescafe Classic Coffee & I tried it & the taste was the Best I have tried compared to others on the market. I called them up & gave top marks for this coffee.
Yay Caffeine
This is my favorite coffee. I have it every morning and day. Just the right amount of punch and smoothness at the same time. Have tried other popular brands but always go back to this one. Go Go Get Hmmmmmm
Netscape classic
I regularly purchase this product because it's the best for taste and price. It is regularly on sale
I love coffee
This is bold and dark coffee with a dilitous taste I love having it hot or as iced coffee. This is my favourite coffee I've bought so far and i think you would love it too. I highly recommend.
Good value
Best value coffee and nice taste . Being a every morning coffee drinker , this product has never let me down
Nescafe Classic
This is the best instant coffee on the market. It is reliably consistent and the condensed product goes a long way
5 stars for this product good size and nice brand of coffee
I love my coffee.....I'd say I'm a coffee-o-holic and this coffee is great for an at home pick me uppper type, cafe strength but instant and delicious
Drink it at work every night. Good taste, does the job.

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