IAMS™ PROACTIVE HEALTH™ Small & Toy Breed Adult Dry Dog Food

4.2 5 0 54 54 IAMS™ PROACTIVE HEALTH™ Small & Toy Breed Adult Dry Dog Food is made with real ingredients. Their recipe starts with farm-raised chicken and includes wholesome grains and veggies. It’s tailored to the little guys—small breed dogs 9kg or less. The easily digestible ingredients will provide your dog with a strong immune system, healthy skin and coat, and strong bones.
IAMS™ PROACTIVE HEALTH™ Small & Toy Breed Adult Dry Dog Food


Buddy really enjoyed better stools too. Seems happy and more content
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My dog enjoyed this dried food and scoffed it up on the first offering. I feel that he seems more excited when it comes to meal times. The size of the morsels are great for littler teeth.
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We have a Jack Russell and a bichon frise the Jack Russell is very old with a heart condition and dry food makes him dry reach but with Iams he did not have that problem the bichon is very fussy but went straight to his bowl and sniff and starting eating and even looked for more that was a shock to us
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It is different than other dog food, it is like you serve less but have a bigger impact. Great stuff
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They are good for small dogs that are grazers. They small with lots of bites in them. My dogs love them. recommended for all active grazers.
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After a week there was visible bloating and flatulence. This has not improved after the transition period. There have been multiple accidents overnight. It just didn’t agree with him.
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My dog very easily moved from his current brand to the Iams proactive range. The pellets are a good size for him. I would be happy to change to this brand.
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It looks good and it must taste good, there was always a clean bowl :)
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Lottie after initially being hesitant about the Iams dry food went on to enjoy each and every meal.
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Grace really seemed to enjoy eating iams, the only reason we wouldn't switch is because she usually eats a dental specific diet.
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As my dog has IAMS food already, so this wasn’t huge change, just in the formula. He did enjoy it though, and chooses it over his normal food in blind smell tests
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The dog food looked good, nice small bits for dog to eat. My dog hasn't been keen on dry dog for the last few weeks but when she has been interested she has eaten the serving given to her. I think my dog would like the dog food if she was interested in eating dry food.
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I think th IAMS Proactive Health Small and Toy Breed Adult Dry Dog Food is a good food for our small dog. She is always excited at dinner time and the IAMS food seems to make her very happy. I would recommend this food for small dogs any time!
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While she was very curious about the smell and wanted to know what was in the bag, she hasn’t taken to the biscuits at all. She has gone two to three days without eating any biscuits where she would have eaten everyday with her other biscuits. With what she has eaten, I have noticed her coat is softer to touch.
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Doggy heaven
Our wee dog LOVES her IAMS! It's a little pricey but she doesnt eat much per meal and it's often on special. Feels good to know she's getting a real chicken based food, with lots of nutrients added.

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