MAGGI Lime Seasoning Powder

5 5 0 2 2 天然又新鲜青柠粉。它拥有令人喜爱的甜味,散发的香气能够持续至菜肴被完全吃净,为您的用餐带来新鲜清香。这款产品易于管理,能够存放在任何地方,并且方便您快速准备。
MAGGI Lime Seasoning Powder


good product
bagus dan sangat membantu dalam masakan MAGGI Lime Seasoning Powder. tak perlu beli buah limau bila nak masak. masukkan perisa limau ni terus siap masakan. sedap dan bau pun macam original dari air limau
Really refreshing and juicy
Refreshing and juicy lemon drink. Taste like the Knorr Lime juice powder. Easy to use, you can make drinks as well as in Tom Yam soup to boost the overall lime and sour taste. Definately recommended
