Hiruscar Anti-Acne Advance Spot Gel

4.5 5 0 169 169 全新Hiruscar® Anti-Acne Advance Spot Gel 专为过敏型痘痘配制,具备速效强力配方。<br> <br> 蕴含具备抗氧化功效的仙人掌花提取物以及积雪草提取物,有助于减少痤疮丙酸杆菌(引起痘痘的皮肤下层的细菌)炎症,迅速镇静肌肤。在24小时内,痘痘部位的敏感缓解,并渐渐愈合,肌肤恢复净白。
Hiruscar Anti-Acne Advance Spot Gel


non-sticky and absorb well
I really like the way it absorbs into my skin, but it needs to be worn consistently to show results.
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Produk bagus untuk dicuba.
Saya telah menerima produk ini, tak menyangka akan membuatkan jerawat saya makin mengecil dan menghilang.
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good for acne, less painful
good for acne and less painful or cause any irritation
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Acne shrink less than 24 hours!!
I always have acne when my period are about to come. When i started to use this acne gel, it recover and shrink my acne quickly, and it doesn't dry up my skin and leave any scars. I love this so much!
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Wajib ada produk ini
Saya sangat suka spot gel ini kerana tesktur nya yang ringan dan mudah meresap. Selain itu, kesan penggunaan produk ini sangat bagus sehingga boleh merawat jerawat di muka saya
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Feel so confident after used
Finally, acne on my combination skin is just treatable with some new solution now!
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Its help my blind acne dengan cemerlang
THANKYOU SO MUCH @hometesterclubmy GIVE ME TRY HIRUSCAR ADVANCE SPOT GEL Ingredients: ✅ PIONIN ✅ BISABOLOL ✅ ALLIUM CEPA ✅ LARICYL ✅ CENTELLA ASIATICA EXTRACT ✅ VITAMIN B3 texture: ✅ LIGHT,NON GREASY FORMULA ✅ TRANSPARENT TEXTURE more : ✅ NON COMEDOGENIC ✅ HYPOALLERGENIC ✅ FAST RELIEF ✅ NON DRYING My review: I ada naik blind axne msetu,then after i pakai its help,acne i jadi cam x bengkak meradang sangat..and spot gel ni mmg memvantu rawat jerawat,i have dry skin but xde tinggalkan rasa kering...oky je, semua oky #htcmyxHiruscarAdvanceSpotGel #hometesterclubmy
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So good. Will buy after this
Everyone should try this acne spot gel. So gentle to your skin. Ngl the best. Please try it now!
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Great combat acne problem
Although it does not immediate effect to relieve the acne however need to consume it consistently to see the effectiveness. It does help to reduce pimple and dark marks, it is a good product to combat the acne problem.
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My acne breakout solve in 1 to 2 days
It works surprisingly good, seldom have any breakout now
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selesa dan selamat digunakan
selesa digunakan pada kulit..menghilangkan parut jerawat
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Produk ini dapat mengurangkan radang .
Pada pendapat saya Hiruscar Anti-Acbe Advance Spot Gel dapat mengurangkan radang dan bengkak di jerawat saya dan juga dapat mengecutkan jerawat.
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acne fast reliever..
Hiruscar anti acne advance spot is a good acne spot product to flatten acne fast, but need to use moisturizer as it may dry your skin.
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I love the products very much :)
I love the products very much :) because it’s working for me
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