Colgate Total Plaque Toothpaste

4.7 5 0 81 81 使用全新的Colgate Total Plaque Release 牙膏刷牙,呵护您的口腔健康! 具备氨基泡沫 + 锌矿物质的卓越配方,不仅可以保护您12小时免受细菌侵害,而且还能3倍深入去除牙龈沟的牙菌斑*,帮助强化牙龈,使之更强壮**,更健康。<br> <br> 立即尝试,呵护自己!<br> <br> <sup>*与连续使用3个月普通非抗菌氟化物牙膏相比,深是指深入牙菌斑<br> **与普通非抗菌氟化物牙膏相比,减少牙菌斑引起的牙龈问题</sup>
Colgate Total Plaque Toothpaste


Work great on my bleeding gum
no more gum bleeding during brushing breath feel fresher and with the amino foam it clean better.the down side is only i dont like the the mint fragrant
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helps for whitening
it did help for teeth whitening,i drink coffee everyday,could see slight whiten effect on my teeth.
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  • 家庭测试 免费产品
ubat gigi pembersih pluque
Ubat Gigi Colgate Total Plaque Release mampu menghilangkan kesan plaque pada gigi dalam masa pantas tanpa perlu rawatan gigi yang mahal. Mulut juga berbau menyegarkan disamping memutihkan gigi.
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Clean and fresh
My teeth in feels so clean and fresher. Highly recommended. Worth the price is okay and u gonna love it. Can be use for the whole family.
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Berkesan dan mampu milik
Ubat gigi yg sgt berkesan utk menanggalkan plaque.
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Effective, refresh
strong mint flavour, feel refresh after use it. It is effective to my pain tooth. But, i don't really like the smell.
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Bauan mint yang menyegarkan
Saya sangat suka mengunakan Ubat Gigi Colgate Total Plaque kerana ianya mampu menjadikan nafas saya sentiasa segar dengan bauan mint. Setelah mengunakannya beberapa kali, saya rasa mulut saya lebih bersih berbanding mengunakan ubat gigi jenama lain.
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Gently clean and refresh
This is a good toothpaste which effectively deep clean my mouth without pain. No need brush my teeth very hard can feel like its already clean and refreshing due to the fresh mint scent.
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清新 持久 不刺激
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Clean, comfortable
Comfortable with the foam texture and scent while brushing teeth. Teeth are clean after use.
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Refreshing, Flavours, Protect
Refreshing with a great flavours and the packaging is very nice to hold and to have. I like this new colgate and would recommended others also to try #htcmyxColgateTotalPlaque
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Leave my teeath clean
Love the mint flavor. The fresh mint flavor lasted for hours after I had washed my teeth. My mouth feels clean and refreshed. Teeth feel smooth and healthy. I really enjoyed this toothpaste product.
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Fresh, comfort, cool
I already use this toothpaste for about 3 week and i will give honest review about this product. As the product claim, it really work for me.. making my teeth white and the flavour of the toothpaste is making my teeth fresh.. I can feel the minty flavour and the cooling effect. Now after I use this toothpaste I feel weird if not brushing my teeth using this toothpaste.. maybe the texture is quite thick than my previous toothpaste..
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Gentle toothpaste
The toothpaste is mild and gentle, suitable for people that does not like the strong mint taste. After tried it for one week, i did not see any difference, maybe suitable for person with visible plaque the effect will be better.
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