Clorox® Expert Disinfecting Wipes

4.7 5 0 442 442 Clorox® Expert Disinfecting Wipes 是一款多表面消毒湿巾,能在1分钟内杀灭99.9% 的病毒及细菌。备有3种尺寸,家用外出都方便。Clorox® Expert Disinfecting Wipes 杀灭2019冠状病毒病*。 <br> <br> <b>注意:</b> <ul><li>避免儿童触及。</li> <li>不可用于皮肤清洁或消毒。</li> <li>不可用作尿布或用于个人清洁。</li> <br> *SARS-CoV-2. 按照标签上的说明使用</ul>
Clorox<sup>®</sup> Expert Disinfecting Wipes


memudahcara,berkesan dan yakin
clorox expert disinfecting wapes amat berkesan dan memudahkan kerja harian anda.
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Cepat jimat mudah
Mudah digunakan cepat digunakan.produk ini 99% membasmi kotoran dan membasmi kuman.
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easy, effective and trust
Clorox® Expert Disinfecting Wipes is my preferred way to clean and disinfect anywhere I go.
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Clean,anti virus,easy to use.
It is very easy to use.after use,the hands will not be dry and basically it will not smell like potions.will recommend to my friends
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Mudah terbaik selamat
Wow,ianya hebat, memudahkan kerja,tanpa menggunakan masa yang lama,sangat berkesan untuk kegunaan harian..
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Effective and scentful
I love this wipe because the smell is really great and i have no doubt in its ability to disinfect. Cleaning up becomes way easier with this wipes.
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Very good product
Saya memang pengguna setia clorox product.. dgn adanya clorox expert disinfectibg wipes sgt2 memudahkn kerja saya.. wipes saja yakin 99% bersih.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
It is convenient and super handy!
Clorox Expert Disinfecting Wipes is a must-have in every household! It is so convenient and super duper handy. It can be used on almost EVERYTHING around the house, office and also in the car. I love it and will continue to use it!
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pembasmi kuman yang sangat hebat
Bagus , sesuai utk digunakan didalam rumah , ditempat kerja dan didalam kereta . Recommended!
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Professional disinfection
Clorox disinfection wipes can kills 99% virus & bacteria in 1 min . Professional disinfection in just one step. Multi - surface wipes & All - purposes .
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Disinfect Clean Confident
I had a pretty bad immune towards dust no matter where I went. I have tried quite a number of products in order to assist me in reducing the after-effect upon having any contact or when I am surrounded by an area with lots of dust (it is everywhere isn't it). With that, I tested the Clorox® Expert Disinfecting Wipes and wow, it really fits my needs. The wipes thickness made it suitable to be utilized at many kinds of area surfaces. I wiped my household items from the living room up until the kitchen with the Clorox® Expert Disinfecting Wipes and had seen the differences before and after usage not only towards the surface but also towards my allergies to dust. It had definitely given me a sense of relaxation (not being afraid to sneezing here and there anymore). I had also wiped my car's dashboard, gear, steering, and seat belt including buckle with the Clorox® Expert Disinfecting Wipes and it leaves me feeling confident that the germs had been kept away.
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Great products for disinfectant
It's a very convenient packaging that you can bring anywhere to help disinfectant anytime and anywhere
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From the brand name, I know that it will kill germ and bacteria as we well known with Clorox bleach. But to my surprise, the wipes don't have any bleach smell but come with the fragrance which are nice. And I believe it can kill the bacteria on any surface especially during this Covid-19 pandemics.
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Clorox® Expert Disinfecting Wipes
Clorox® Expert Disinfecting Wipes for us and we will share this online.
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Mantap! hebat! tersangat baik!
saya sangat sukakannya kerana ia produk yang sangat2 berguna untuk penggunaan pembersihan rumah serta harian saya pada bila-bila masa :)
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