Swisse Skincare Rosewater Hydrating Mist Toner

4.5 5 0 275 275 Swisse Rosewater Hydrating Mist Toner mengandungi campuran kandungan botani seperti Aloe Vera dan Rosehip Organik yang efektif untuk melembutkan kulit dan memberikan sensasi hidrat yang pantas. Semburan yang melegakan ini boleh digunakan pada setiap hari untuk melembutkan, mengimbangkan dan melembapkan kulit, agar kulit anda kelihatan bersemangat dan segar.
Swisse Skincare Rosewater Hydrating Mist Toner


pasti tak cuba yang lain
rosewater hydrating mist toner membuat saya lebih yakin dan menyerlah ..saya amat menyukainya
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Saya sangat suka akan rosewater ini
Rosewater mempunyai bau yang sangat wangi 😍😍😍😍😍😍
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Skin jadi hydration lepas pakai.
Sangat recommend untuk org yg kulit kering untuk jadikan kulit muka moist
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instant dose of hydration
Swisse Rosewater Hydrating Mist Toner was very fragrant and refreshing. My skin was absorbs very quickly and deliver an instant dose of hydration. It does not feel irritating to my skin at all.
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Segar,Kulit jd Lembab dan wangi
Swise skincare rosewater hydrating mist toner Sangat2 best bila spray dimuka..bau yg wangi, segar, Kulit jd Lembab.. Sgt disyorkan
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我早上出门前用 滋润,补水
SWISSE SKINCARE ROSEWATER HYDRATING MIST TONER 我每天早上,晚上用 我是干皮肤,用了明显很滋润,瞬间补水 味道有清淡花香,不是香精的味道 用完我会继续买来用
Mudah, berkesan dan senang
Senang untuk dipakai, makeup terletak cantik dan kulit terasa lebi segar dan terhidrasi
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moisture and fresh
This toner suitable for oily skin too. it does not feel sticky or oily after use
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Lembut menyegarkan wangi
Setelah menggunakan kulit terasa lembut,bersih dan menyegarkan...
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I love hydration
It come moisture my face when every morning routine but the spray is not that fine when the toner comes up.
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i love the smell..
love it so much..the smell is so good ..even my mom love it too
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Toner yang hebat
Sangat membantu pada mereka yang gemar pakai makeup dan walaupun tanpa mekap toner ni sangat bagus utk mengecilkan jerawat secepatnya , ianya sangat wangi dengan bauan rose yang menenangkan
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Mudah,berbaloi dan menyegarkan
Mudah digunakan... Berbaloi... Kulit nampak kurang kering
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Too strong, yet powerless.
Normally, I am a die hard fans of Swisse products. This toner is not one I personally fancy. The scent of the rose is just too overpowering when I spray directly on my face. Also the mist is too strong, it doesn't give user a gentle spray. So I ended up with a frowned face when I applied on my face. Being a toner fan, I have used various types of toners, this is not the worst, but this is one with the strongest scent, it is just too strong. This product contains Polysorbate 20 which may lead to skin allergic reaction. Use with care. The Carrageenan is the ingredient to help lock in moisture on your skin, so in terms of functionality, it works. I have stopped using it after 14 days because I personally cannot stand the scent and That is my only complain. As to whether it works well as a toner, I do not see a significant difference in the 14 days. That is all from my honest review. Thank you.
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Wangi, menyegarkan, melembabkan
First time guna, suka dgn bau ros yg sgt wangi, kulit muka terasa lembut & sgt menyegarkan. Sgt² awesome.
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