Smelly-No-More Crystal Deodorant

4.4 5 0 232 232 Dirumus dengan garam mineral semula jadi yang mempunyai kandungan ketulenan yang tinggi. Smelly-No-More Crystal Deodorant semula jadi ini bertindak dengan menghalang aktiviti bakteria penyebab bau badan: inilah punca utama bau badan. Sila gunakan deodoran batu kristal semula jadi ini di bahagian ketiak, di belakang lutut, leher atau kaki anda dan alamilah sensasi kesegaran dan tampil yakin sepanjang hari demi hari. <br> <li>Garam Mineral Semula Jadi & Tulen <li>Tidak Mengandungi Aluminium Chlorohydrate <li>Bebas Alkohol dan Wangian <li>Hipoalergenik
Smelly-No-More Crystal Deodorant


Actually I didn't feel that this product works for me.
It is small and easy to bring. Unfortunately, I didn't fell this product works for me.
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clean, refreshing, comfortable
it make my whole day , i feel refreshing compare to other fragrance deodorant
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No irritation and discomfort. Feels good.
Satisfied with the product. 1st time trying the new innovative deodorant instead the conventional deodorant. No sticky and no discomforted.
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Good and affordable. Like it so much
Sesuai dipakai untuk semua golongan. Tiada bau pada badan dan tiada kesan pada baju
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Tidak melekit & berbau serta mudah menggunakannya.
Memang sangat berkesan bagi saya & saya suka Smelly No More ni sebab ianya bebas bahan kimia, tak ada bau, bebas alkohol dan hypo-allergenic. Tak jadi gatal gatal bila pakai. Dan tambah best sebab ianya tak melekit dan tak lekat kesan kat baju.
  • Diuji di rumah dengan produk percuma
A very good and handy deodorant
It is a good product that is very handy. It can last up to more than a month hence I do not need to spend a lot on this product. It also eliminates body odor provided that I use it at least 3 times a day. Overall, a good product that I would definitely repurchase in the future.
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This product does not help to solve my body odour problem.
Not really helpful and quite troublesome. need water for everytime use
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Smelly No More Tahan lama, sangat berkesan
Smelly No More Sangat berpuas hati, saya sejenis yang kuat berpeluh dapat mengurangkan bau badan lebih lama, saya sangat mengesyorkan produk ini untuk semua. Produk ini tidak meninggalkan kesan sampingan apa-apa, sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit, saya juga sejenis kulit sensitif, mudah gatal jika salah produk, tapi sesuai menggunakan smelly no more.
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Refreshing and a problem solver!
Im always looking for a deodorant that can make me stay fresh for 8 hours throughout my working period and finally i found it!
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100% natural and free of chemical and irritant
Smelly-no-more crystal deodorant is really amazing because it is 100% natural and free of chemical and irritant. Would be great if its effectiveness can be improved so its effect is more long-lasting.
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Is fragrance free, but not as convenient to use as it seem
Fragrance free Would not cause irritation and itchiness The packaging can be improve
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It just a stone nothing special
I dont recommend it at all as it have no function whatsoever
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Comfy, Easy and Lasting Deodorant.
This deodorant is very convenient and easy to use. Compare to previous spray on deo, this is must more better. Long lasting and non sticky
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Effective Fragrance-free Deodorant
It’s a fragrance free deodorant, recommend for those who doesn’t like fragrance deodorant. It is also gentle to skin due to it’s natural ingredient, easy to use, just add some water and u can apply it
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Selasa Dan yakin sepanjang masa di pejabat
Sesuai untuk pekerja yang bekerja jarak jauh dari rumah
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