SevenSeas Kids Multivitamin Syrup with Cod Liver Oil

4.8 5 0 215 215
SevenSeas Kids Multivitamin Syrup with Cod Liver Oil


Good for health
No fishy taste. Yes, kiddos like the orange flavours
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Flavor is excellent
My daughter fights when it's time for her vitamins, but she takes this without much fuss. By far the best tasting (it masks the fishy smell and after-taste). But it is super sweet which makes me quite worry to give it my kids everyday despite it has vitamins in it.
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sweet,tastes orange juice
The child just likes to drink sweet, and it tastes like orange juice, the child will drink it by himself tomorrow, I don't need to ask her to drink it every day。
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Worth to buy
Kids Multivitamin Syrup with Cod Liver Oil is a good vitamin for kids,the taste is good and not have any fishy taste..My kids love it so much and acceptable..Overoll for this multivitamin is awesome.
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Great multivitamin for kids!
My 5 year old is a fussy eater so I am quite surprised that he enjoys eating the Seven Seas Kids Multivitamin Syrup. The syrup orange flavour helps and there is no fishy or unpleasant smell. I noticed that his overall health improved and less cold/runny nose. #kidsvit
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pasti nye berkesan dan bagus
Seven Seas Kids Multivitamin Syrup with Cod Liver Oil sedap berperisa oren... boleh diterima tekak... memberi kesegaran kepada anak sy... membuatkan anak semakin berselera untuk makan.. terima kasih seven seas..
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Anak-anak sangat sukakannya
Vitamin dengan minyak ikan Cod mempunyai 8 vitamin dan DHA penting untuk perkembangan kanak-kanak. Perisa oren yang anak-anak saya sangat sukakan. Tiada rasa hanyir. Sesuai untuk kanak-kanak berumur 1 bulan keatas.
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Rasa yang sagat sedap
Rasa yang sagat sedap, tidak terlalu manis, banyak Khasiat di dalam nya, anak saya semakin cergas dan aktif tidak lagi nampk lesu dan letih... Selera makan semakin bertambah berat jugak semakin naik, i is so happy
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It tastes good
SevenSeas Kids Multivitamin Syrup with Cod Liver Oil is very good product for my children. The taste of cod liver with orange flavor make it easy for children to swallow.
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Orange flavour healthy syrup
My kid love it, it has yummy orange juice taste, no fishy taste. Just need to take once daily, dosage depending on the age of the child. It has 8 vitamins and cod liver oil for healthy growth and development. Suitable for babies and kids. #kidsvits
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Great taste, my kids love its.
Seven sea multi-vitamin syrup with cod liver oil, my kids really love it. Taste very good. With the weather that always change, my kids get easyly sick, when they consume this vitamin, the get less sick. Very good
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Recommended for children!
Superb product! My daughter really loves this! She looks forward to it daily. I mixed it with water so she can drink it easily. I tasted a bit and it tasted like Sunquick! No fishy smell and very tasty and beneficial for the children!
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One for all
As a mother, I'm concern about my kid's development, growth and health. In the endemic era, I need to protect him from all aspects and ensure he get complete nutrition. This Seven Seas Kid Multivitamin Syrup with Cod Liver Oil is complete for my kid. Every day he will piont his finger at the vitamin bottle, he loves the taste of orange. It doesn't have fishy smell or taste.
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Best Multivitamin for child
Seven Seas Kids Multivitamin Syrup with Cod Liver Oil is one of the best multivitamin i had tried for my children. The orange taste make my child excited every time i gave it to her. I can smell the fishy smell, but it not too strong.Since my child quite picky (do not like to eat vegetable), i think its the best to give her multivitamin so she can get all the essential nutrients for her well being. With this multivitamin, she can get all the nutrient and will grow up healthy.
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Excellent , helpful
A bit fishy taste but it okay because my kids can accept . This product really helpful to my fussy picky child
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