MARIGOLD UHT Milk with Malt

4.5 5 0 785 785 Nikmatilah kombinasi unik susu dengan malt ini. Kini, MARIGOLD Susu UHT dengan Malt, mengandungi kebaikan susu dengan 6 vitamin, protein, calcium dan formula unik Bone plus Vitamin D & Ca dan diperkuatkan dengan Malt yang memberi tenaga.
MARIGOLD UHT Milk with Malt


Fragrant, Yummilicious, Nutritious
MARIGOLD UHT Milk with Malt is indeed nutritious, taste deliciously and the fragrant of the malt deserves double thumbs up. It is also nutrient-packed conveniently and easy to bring outdoors. It is also not too sweet & just perfect! #htcmyxMARIGOLDMalt #MARIGOLDMY #hometesterclubmy
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Sangat sedap.. Rasa lemak-lemak
Produk ini sgt bagus.. Sesuai intuk anak-anak juga seisi keluarga
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  • Diuji di rumah dengan produk percuma
delicious, nutrition, convenient
MARIGOLD UHT Milk with Malt is very delicious and has a rich milky taste. Its packaging is very convenient to consume anywhere and anytime.
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Minuman yang mengenyangkan.
Saya suka akan rasanya yang mengenyangkan. Pasti akan beli dipasaran.
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Ada rasa mcm horlicks
Tak salah mencuba sesuatu yg baru. Rasa susu yg lemak
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It is malty good.
The MARIGOLD UHT Milk with malt is malty good, you can drink it alone by itself or can mix with cereal. The 200ml packing is convenient when you are in a hurry in the morning, but may taste a bit sweet. With the mixture of malt, it has boost your nutrient for the day
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Berkhasiat utk semua
Sgt sesuai UTK seisi keluarga.. rasa yg sgt sedap..
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Goodness in Every Drop!
Mornings are malt-velous when you stop skipping breakfast! Start with a boost of energy and bone-strengthening calcium with MARIGOLD UHT Milk with Malt. It's not too sweet for me and suitable to drink for whole family members. I like the smell of the malt and it's suitable for the busy people like me that have no time to take breakfast in the morning.
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Rasanya sgt sedap, anak2 sgt suka minum
Rasa yanh sgt sedap!! Anak minum terus suka akan minuman ni. Yang pasti ia akan menjadi pilihan utama kami
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Tasty convenient nutrient
When I first time taste on it, can’t stop loving it. I share the milk with my hubby who doent like milk at all. He bought at the next day 😆😆😆
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Easy, Feel Strong, Tasty
MARIGOLD UHT Milk with Malt will enhance my energy and my kids also. It enriched with Protein, Calcium, and 6 important Vitamins, complete with unique BonePlus formulation for stronger bones and energy for everyday.#htcmyxMARIGOLDMalt, #MARIGOLDMY, #hometesterclubmy
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must have item
#htcmyxMARIGOLDMalt #MARIGOLDMY #hometesterclubmy Packing is very attractive and size very convenient for travel.Taste very good and my kids love it so much.
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Marigold milk with malt is so delicious
Marigold milk with malt is a so delicious milk.and you all's will like it
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我孩子很喜欢喝Marigold UHT milk,我也很喜欢它的香味。
我孩子很喜欢喝Marigold UHT milk。我也很喜欢它的味道,只是我希望甜度方面可以再减少一些些。
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