LUX Cooling Glow With Ice Cooling Mint

4.7 5 0 68 68 LUX Cooling Glow With Ice Cooling Mint untuk pengalaman mandian dengan sensasi dingin bersama haruman yang menyegarkan daripada Peach Blossom dan Neroli yang menyerlahkan penampilan kulit anda agar cerah berseri.
LUX Cooling Glow With Ice Cooling Mint


Best smell ever
Love the smell n cooling sensation . Purchase from aeon big
THis body bath giving a fresh feeling, it texture is thick and smooth, it can easily spread over the whole body and leave a thin layer on the body, my body is hydrated and moisturized.
COOL feeling
Lux body shampoo protects my skin, I like its cool and fresh feeling, after applying a little amount to a perfectly clean my whole body. It has refreshing and comfortable scent.
Wangi dan menyegarkan
Sangat wangi dan terasa fresh bila digunakan. Malah hanya satu pump dah cukup untuk mencuci seluruh badan saya. Kini saya lebih yakin dengan lux. Lux sangat terbaik buat saya dan seisi keluarga.
Smell good
I use LUX since I small until now. Haha this is the most I like. So fresh after bath , abit cool also is u bath with warm water.
Cool and Fresh
Lux shower gel give me a fresh and cool feeling, its texture is silky and rich , it is made of natural ingredient like mint, which it makes my skin feel smooth and fresh. I love it.
I like its flora scent, it is natural and long lasting. the silky texture is gentle on my skin, it can easily spread over the whole body and make my skin smooth. it suit to my skin.
Sya dapat rasakan kesegaran setiap kali mandi. Sangat menyegarkan, kulit menjadi lembut & baunya sangat wangi. Sangat recommended bagi orang yg mempunyai masalah badan berbau. Its good product!
Hilangkan stress
Bau yg menyenangkan. Rasa segar dan hilang stress terutama mandi selepas balik dari kerja.
Stay cool after bath
Even lepas mandi pun dapat rasa cool effect tu. Wangi dan rasa sedap ja lepas mandi. Musim panas memang sesuai sangat guna shower cream ni.
Light mint feeling. Flowerish smell. Suitable for all age range
This product is worth the money. Must-Try product!
Awesome product
This product is really good and should try this product and also recommend it to your family and will really appreciate it after using using the product.
Very good the produk
The cooling mint shower gel makes me feel fresh and clean. the smell is mild and pleasant, I am very satisfy with this product.
sejuk tu ada lah sikit tak boleh lawan sabun antibacterial, tapi wangi . tak melekit, rasa puas mandi. buih banyak. hidung saya bau pomelo. bau melekat di kulit tapi tak lah lama, mungkin ikut jenis kulit kot.

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