Dermatix® Ultra

4.6 5 0 163 163 Mencari produk untuk memudarkan parut anda? Memperkenalkan Dermatix® Ultra, terbukti secara klinikal mampu menipiskan, melembutkan dan meratakan parut. Dermatix® Ultra menggabungkan kesan meratakan dan melembutkan parut dengan inovasi teknologi silikon CPX dan ester Vitamin C. Kedua-dua kandungan ini bekerjasama untuk menipiskan, melembutkan dan meratakan parut. Produk ini tidak berminyak dan mudah untuk disapu. Ia memberikan sensasi yang lembut dan licin pada kulit anda selepas setiap penggunaan. Hanya sapukan secara konsisten dua kali sehari untuk hasil yang optimum. <bR> <Br> <u>Arahan penggunaan: </u><br> 1) Guna Dermatix® Ultra dua kali sehari, pagi dan malam <br> 2)Bersihkan kawasan yang terjejas dengan sabun dan air secara lembut, keringkan <br> 3)Sapu sedikit (saiz kacang pea) pada parut dan ratakan pada kawasan yang terjejas <br> 4)Selepas ia kering, Dermatix® Ultra boleh dilapisi dengan kosmetik atau krim pelindung matahari <br> <br> <i><sup>Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari </i></sup>
Dermatix® Ultra


Overall Good Product
Product is good, dries fairly quick. However, I do not see much difference on the scar reduction after 4 weeks. I will continue to use them for another 4 more weeks, hopefully my scars will lighten
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Very good product
It easy to use and dry quickly into my skin..llallaksjhdd
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East, fast and effective
It has boost my confidence level after using it as my scars has gone lighten almost like my oldself before my motor accident
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Easy to apply
Overall, I highly recommend Dermatix® Ultra to anyone looking to diminish the appearance of scars and achieve smoother, more even-toned skin. It's become a staple in my skincare routine, and I'm confident it will continue to deliver long-term results.
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berkesan cepat meresap
saya sangat suka produk ini kerana berkesan, cepat meresap, tekstur yang ringan serta parut akan pudar.
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每天早晚洗澡后就涂上Dermatix® Ultra,质地清爽也不会觉得不舒服,不过要坚持疤痕才会慢慢变淡
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Easy To Absorb And Effective.
It is easy to apply, not greasy and irritating, but soft, smooth and leaves a comfortable feeling. It does help to smooth out, whitening, and flattening the scar over times , you can also felt the warmish and tightening acting on your scar. Recommended.
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Dermatix Ultra Awesome
Penggunaan sangat mudah dan memudarkan parut sekitar 3 minggu. Terbaik!
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Dermatix is the best solution for scar
Dermatix is effective solution to help soften your long term scar and is very good for new scar disappeared innjust few weeks
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I have post ceaser scar with my third baby,this product make me feel confident to walk because my scar feel strong and I can do my housework without worry.
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Able to reduce keloid scar
After using for 4 weeks, I realised my 2-year old csec keloid scar has flattened slightly, skin of the scar also smoother now. Previously I've been applying scar oil but no obvious result seen. I like the tube packaging, easy to squeeze out and apply. I find this gel really absorbs fast & well. Will definitely continue to use it! Hopefully able to further flatten my scar.
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易于涂抹。对疤痕有改善。Easy to apply on scar. Feel better after few weeks.
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mesra dengan kulit
dermatix telah mengubah hidup saya.saya berasa yakin selepas mengunakannya. semakin lama semakin pudar parut saya dan bertambah keyakinan diri saya. dengan formulasi tidak berminyak dan tidak meninggalkan kesan pada baju.
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konsisten guna untuk dapatkan hasil
Saya konsisten gunakan sehati 2kali selama 4minggu nampak perubahan pada parut makin pudar
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Unexpectedly It Works
I didn't expect much as I always forgot to apply it in the first week. However when I noticed the scar started to fade after the second week, it boosts up my confidence over the product and make sure I would apply it everyday.
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