Cosmoderm Glow-C Super Boosting Serum

4.4 5 0 256 256 Dirumus dengan Vitamin C sebagai kandungan aktif yang utama. Serum ini mencerahkan dan menjadikan kulit lebih anjal dengan keserian yang anggun terserlah. Manfaat serum ini mengandungi:<br> <br><li>Membantu memberikan perlindungan kulit daripada matahari<br> <li>Menggebukan kulit wajah dengan mengurangkan penampilan garis-garis halus dan kedutan <li>Mencerahkan pigmentasi dan tompok hitam dengan berkesan<br> <li>Memberikan kulit yang berseri dan anjal<br> <li>Memberikan tona kulit yang sekata dengan berkesan
Cosmoderm Glow-C Super Boosting Serum


Cosmoderm Boosting Serum
Dapat menghilangkan parut jerawat dan mencerahkan wajah. Wajah lebih berseri dan glowing. Teksture yang senang apply. Affordable price, dapatkan di drugstore. Recommended for you guys!
Suits my skin
Suits my skin. Smell good with orange scent. My skin looks glowing after use this
Lightweight & fast absorbing serum
I love the serum texture - not sticky at all. It's nice to use daily. I apply this serum during night only. This serum is different from other brand since the serum color not change to yellowish due to packaging (in orange bottle). As for now, I don't see my skin become fairer and my dark spot was lighter than before. However, i might repurchase again.
Memang best serum cosmoderm,i pakai yang warna biru,28 days booster memang best sgt ada perubahan
Not bad
Not good not bad Didn’t really had a great result for me But the price is affordable
Definitely buy again
Best serum i must say. Really suit my skin. I use this serum for my daily use in my skincare routine. Really helps removing scar i can see in a couple weeks. Will definitely buy again.
1st time tried this product & really worked on my skin. Fresh skin every morning. Not sticky and absorbed well.
Untuk mencerahkan ok.. Tapi untuk anjal sy tak pasti
Untuk mencerahkan ok. Tapi untuk menganjalkan wajah tidak pasti.
  • Diuji di rumah dengan produk percuma
Muka semakin cerah dan licin berseri.
Saya pasti mengersyorkn kepada rakan dan keluarga kerana keberkesanannya yang terbukti
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Brighter than before
Sebelum saya menerima Cosmoderm Glow C Super Boosting Serum ini, saya mempunyai masalah bekas parut jerawat di wajah,parut kehitaman. Setelah mencuba serum ini, saya mendapati parut jerawat saya semakin pudar dan ton kulit saya semakin cerah. Saya amat menyukainya dan sekarang sudah masuk botol ke 2 saya menggunakan serum ini. Produk ini juga mudah didapati di farmasi kecantikkan seperti watson.
  • Diuji di rumah dengan produk percuma
Softening my age lines
Cosmoderm Glow-C Super Boosting Serum is an amazing product that work pretty well in softening my age line and the crese above my nose and between my eyebrows has gone after a month use. Even my eyes aren't so baggy and the lines around my mouth are diminishing, I'm definitely going to make this part of my daily routine. I'm not even going to bother looking at other brands. Highly recommended!
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Glowing and Brightening Serum
I have been use this serum more than 1 months. When I apply on my face, it absorbs fast into my skin and not sticky. I notice that my face become glowing and hydrating. It helps to lighten my dark spots too! I can feel the difference on my face after using this serum. Amazing for me and definitely I will continue use this serum
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Maintain Youghtful Way
The serum texture was thick and not sticky at all. It's nice to use daily. I was try to apply it twice in a day. I can see my skin become fairer and my dark spot was lighter than before. I am truly satisfied with this serum. Definitely will buy it again.
  • Diuji di rumah dengan produk percuma
Rasa nk cuba lh serum ni..harap sesuai dgn kulit muka..

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