Cebion Effervescent Vitamin C

4.8 5 0 318 318
Cebion Effervescent Vitamin C


Immune booster
Saya seringkali mendapat serangan penyakit terutamanya selsema dan alergi.Saya sememangnya seorang yang tidak konsisten dan tidak suka untuk mengambil sebarang supplement kerana menganggap ia sangat menyusahkan. Namun, rasa vitamin c cebion sangan sedap dan ia larut dalam air membuatkan saya lupa yang ianya vitamin dan bukannya jus
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Good Health Glow
Rasa yang sedap membuatkan kami sekeluarga memilih untuk Cebion Effervscent Vitamin C
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Good for health
I like the orange flavour, aromatic smell , the taste very refreshing and not sweet.
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Superb Vitamin C
I like Cebion Effervscent Vitamin C because i like the taste so much. Compared to chewable vitamin that are too sour for me and tablet vitamin that usually in big tablet, i like effervscent more. The taste is so nive, not too sour, i can describe it taste like orange fizz drink. It also soluble easily even in cold water. I notice in a month consume this vitamin, i never catch a fever.
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Vitamin C terbaik
Vitamin yang sedap diminum.kulit da berubahan. Penghasilan kolegen dan dapat menghindari penyakit
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Untuk antibody anda
Rasa oren yang sedap. Bila rasa nak selesema terus ambik cebion vitamin c terus elok.rasa yang tidak terlalu manis dan tidak terlalu masam. #myvits
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Convenient, fast, yummy
Since I'm in the middle of shifting home, I have so many tasks to do, and keeping myself healthy is a priority. Taking Vitamin C is a must so I won't get sick. Even when I'm busy, it's so easy to get my daily intake of Vitamin C and Calcium. Thank you Cebion Effervescent Vitamin C because it's really convenient, dissolved quickly, and has a great taste that comes in a small tube to put in my handbag.
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VIT C Drink
taste ok and natural, not as sweet as other brand. Good for boost up VIT C
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Tasty healthy non sweet
Really love this vitamin c! I drink one tables with a glass of water each day morning, can feel that it’s really efficient. Can feel the difference by comparing with the period before drink. I feel more energetic and easy to go to toilet as well. Thanks for letting me to try out this good product.
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Easy to drink with nice flavor
Me and my husband love the flavour and it's not too sweet. We drank it daily for 2 weeks and so far it's good for us without any adverse effect. Will continue to drink this daily as a healthy supplement for the family.
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Fast and convenient
Easy to bring around and drink anywhere we want! Fast and easy
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Rasa minuman oren
Saya telah mencuba cebion effervcent vitamin C, rasa oren tapi kurang sedap rasa orennya.. Tidak terlalu manis, sedap untuk diminum dan mudah larut dalam air.. Diminum setiap hari sebagai amalan.. Tetapi cebion ne 1000mg, boleh ke mengambil vitamin c sehingga 1000mg..? #myvitc, #hometestermy, #cebioneffervcentvitaminc
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Just Try It
I just try this vitamin C for two week. My overall review is: Taste:3/5 Sweetness: 3/5 Orange Flavour: 4/5 Effective: 3/5 I have try other brand effervscent vit c but this brand taste salty. for sweetnest just nice not too sweet and orange taste still there. I have sinus problem so need to consume vit c, but this brand not so effective.
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Convenient and Easy
10 tables in a bottle is so convenient for me to bring to office. It taste good, not too sweet and good solubility. It is great that this Vit C contains calcium as well.
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Bagus untuk menambahkan tenaga
Dah guna hampir sebulan. Vitamin ni sangat membantu memberikan tenaga tambahan. Selalu ambil sebelum pergi kerja memang sangat membantu memberi tenaga sebelum memulakan kerja. Rasa pun sedap, rasa masam2 manis. Sangat2 recomended untuk dijadikan makanan tambahan harian. Senang untuk diambil, masukkan kedalam air dan boleh terus minum.
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