Sunsilk Natural Watermelon & Mint Cooling Fresh Conditioner

4.4 5 0 18 18 Sunsilk Natural Watermelon & Mint Cooling Fresh Micellar Conditioner features an exclusive micellar formula containing the power of watermelon known for its hydrating property, while mint is recognised for its soothing effect, refreshing properties and a cooling sensation. It deeply nourishes the hair, leaving it soft and flowy, making the user feel confident all day.
Sunsilk Natural Watermelon & Mint Cooling Fresh Conditioner


Refreshing but average
I decided to try the Sunsilk Natural Watermelon & Mint Cooling Fresh Conditioner, hoping for a refreshing boost for my hair. The watermelon and mint scent is pleasantly invigorating and provides a nice cooling sensation, which is great for hot days. However, when it comes to conditioning, it performs just okay. It adds some moisture and smoothness, but it doesn’t quite deliver the deep hydration my hair needs. After using it, my hair feels refreshed but not significantly softer or more manageable. The lightweight formula is suitable for everyday use without weighing my hair down, but it might not be enough for those with very dry or damaged hair. While the scent and cooling effect are nice touches, the overall conditioning performance is pretty average. If you're looking for a basic, refreshing conditioner, this one does the job, but don't expect miracles.
Sunsilk Mint Cooling Fresh Conditioner
Rasa berangin dah fresh lepas gunakan conditioner ni. Rambut rasa wangi lembut dan terurus. Harga pun murah dan jimat. Packaging cantik. Boleh dapatkan di pasaraya terdekat.
seharum tembikai dan mint yg segar
saya sangat sukakan conditioner sunsilk ni kerana baunya yg sangat wangi dan sentiasa rase segar,baunya juga melekat di rambut lama,lepas gunanya.. Rambut saya menjadi lembut dan baunya yg sangat wangi, suami pon selalu puji rambut saya..tak rugi cuba tau
Sunsilk Natural Watermelon & Mint Coolin
Suka try shampoo sunsilk.. Bau shampoo Sunsilk Natural Watermelon & Mint Cooling Fresh Conditioner wangi sangat sangat.. Mula mula pakai tidak boleh tidur sebab bau rambut wangi sangat..
After using this Sunsilk hair product, my hair become soft and healthy, Its cool with mint formula which helps smooth hair scales and envelops even the most fragile hair in softness.
Sunsilk shampoo and conditioner makes my hair appears weightless and fresh, while looking soft and shiny once more, with long-lasting results. the scent is very pleasant and lasting.
Soft and smooth hair
This conditioner is perfect for dry and damaged hair that needs repair and nourishment without the weight. it is formulated with Keratin Repair Actives which is quick-absorbing nourishment goes deep into the hair.
Shampoo yang menyegarkan, berbau harum walaupon seharian bertudung. Terasa bersih dan segar setiap kali menggunakannya. Rangkaian produk yang hebat
Rambut lembut,segar dn wangi
Pada semua yg blm cuba lgi mai ramai2 mencuba mmng terbaik produk ni....
Bau yang wangi & rambut menjadi lembut setelah pakai
Rambut lembut
Rambut jadi makin lembut dan sihat. Kurang rambut gugur. Recommend sangat pakai sunsilk..
Shampoo yang menyegarkan, berbau harum walaupon seharian bertudung. Terasa bersih dan segar setiap kali menggunakannya. Rangkaian produk yang hebat.
Melembutkan rambut
Saya suka guna syampu ini kerana bau nya sangat wangi dan dapat melembutkan rambut saya..
Membersih dan sangat Wangi
Produk ini sangat berkesan menghilangkan kesan kegatalan kulit kepala, kelemumur dan memberikan bau segar yang harum memikat... 😍😍. Saya syorkan kepada semua.. Terbaik sangat😘😘

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