
4.8 5 0 281 281 Sudocrem<sup>®</sup> is made from a water-repellent base and emollient to form a protection barrier against stool, urine, and other irritants that can cause nappy rash. Suitable with Malaysia weather, the formulation is less greasy and less oily where you can easily apply on the affected areas of the skin while still leaving the skin moist and supple. <br><br> Moreover, it contains hypoallergenic ingredients to help soothe, restore, moisturise, and protect your baby’s delicate skin.


Nappy Cream
Krim yang sangat bagus! Kerana anak saya ada ruam kemerahan dibahagian punggung dan dalam masa 2 hari ruam itu telah hilangg.
tekstur mudah disapu tidak berminyak mujarab utk melindungi kulit sensitif bayi. packaging yg memuaskan isipadu yg banyak serta tidak berbau sangat mesra digunakan.
good for nappy rash
great value for the money. Smooth and has a nice aroma. Won't feel too thick when applied to skin, fast absorb by skin. my baby skin is getting better
Make my son happy
Soft to the skin.. make his skin soft and moistened.. no more itchy skin
Most suitable for baby
Suitable for baby when the pampers are wet and baby skin be red
Sesuai utk ruam baby
Suka sangat pakai ni bila baby kena ruam. Berkesan. Tak berminyak. Tapi tetap melembabkan kulit baby.
Best sangat untuk baby
Saya memang pakai product ni untuk baby saya yang mempunyai masalah dengan ruam pampers. Sapu je nipis - nipis. sehari dua hari dah dapat nampak perubahan. Kalau anak saya kena ekzema pula saya sapu juga nipis² kat kulit dia. eapu la hari hari... nanti kulit akan okey balik
Rashes away
Good product for redness on skin especially on baby and children. It helps to relief the redness and itching fast. Packing in an sustainable way will be great. Every home with baby and kids will need one.
Nice cream
Nice and won’t cause any allergy reaction to my baby so far. Love it
Lembut untuk kulit bayi
Berkesan menghilangkan ruam lampin dan tidak melekit.
Diaper rash gone!
Sudocream was amazing cream for my baby's sensitive sceen. My baby always have redness on her diaper area due to long period wear the pamper. If I put it today, after few hours, the rednedd will clear. If my baby have rashes due to sweat and hot weather, I also use sudocream to treat it.
Terbaik untuk bayi
Saya gunakan krim ini dari anak pertama lagi. Apabila ada bayi dalam keluarga dan rakan saya akan sarankan penggunaan krim ini.
Best nappy cream
Anak sy pakai sudocream ni Dari anak 1st lg , memang elok dan berkesan, 1bekas kecil tu tahan setahun juga , pakai sikit je cepat elok kesan melecet anak , recommended sgt
Must have product for your little love!
Whenever my baby had nappy rashes on her bumbum n little flower, I apply this and them rashes quickly dissappear! Very good product. It has very thick consistency but doesn't leave any oily or sticky feeling on your fingers.
Excellent for rashes
Excellent for rashes at my skin. Itchiness skin. Should try this product. Thank you. 31 May 2023.

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