Sensodyne Sensitivity Gum and Enamel Toothpaste

4.7 5 0 617 617 From the first brush, it provides long-lasting protection from sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and re-hardens enamel. This toothpaste addresses three oral concerns with one specialist solution!
Sensodyne Sensitivity Gum and Enamel Toothpaste


Saya mempunyai masalah gusi sensitif. Pelbagai jenis berus gigi dan ubat gigi saya dah cuba tapi gusi masih berdarah ketika memberus gigi. Lepas mencuba Sensodyne Gum and Enamel Toothpaste, hari ke-3 dah mula tiada darah.
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Recommended Sensitive Toothpaste
Sebelum ni saya ada masalah sensitive pada gigi bila makan makanan sejuk, been try this trial for a week, surprisingly it’s work for my sensitive teeth. Tiada lagi rasa sakit gigi bila makan sejuk dan alhamdullilah so good. So please try this toothpaste for your daily used. Recommended.
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Kurang masalah gigi sensitif
Selepas mencuba selama 7 hari, gigi saya jadi kurang sensitif terhadap makanan dan minuman sejuk dan panas. Gigi terasa sangat bersih. Gusi jadi lebih kuat.
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Ubat gigi pilihan saya!
Lepas guna ubat gigi ini, gigi saya jadi kurang senaitif terhadap minuman sejuk dan panas. Gusi juga menjadi lebih kuat. Nafas berbau segar.
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Recommended Toothpaste!
It felt warm when the paste touches the enamel surface, so it won't trigger the tooth sensitivity when brushing my teeth. My teeth felt smooth & shine after every brush. Surely will recommend this product to my family member & friends.
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Less Sensitive with Sensodyne
Everytime apply the toothpaste to brush my teeth, it give a warm feeling. After use it for few days, I won't feel shock pain when bite something hard accidentally. My teeth sensitivity was cured. Thanks.
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selepas menggunakan ubat gigi sensodyne sensivity gum saya dah tak risau untuk minum minuman yg sejuk atau panas lg. Masalah yg sy hadapi selama ini telah sy temui penyelesaiannya . Dan selepas menggunakan sensodyne ni, sy mmbuat kptsn utk kekal dgn ubt gigi ini
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I prefer if the taste have slighty mint.
Harap boleh ditambah baik dgn meletakan sikit rasa mint untuk rasa kesegaran
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Powerful Toothpaste Provide Daily Repair
Sensodyne Sensitivity Gum and Enamel Toothpaste is trusted brand and good value for money. This toothpaste works deep inside the tooth to relieve sensitivity and protection against sensitivity of the teeth such as cold drinks, hot food, sweet food and also tooth brushing. My teeth feel fresh and healthy.It clinically proven relief and daily protection for sensitive teeth.It also soothing for sensitive gums and effective gum-care. This toothpaste brand is very ideal for those who have sensitive teeth.It worth!
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Good to use. Highly recommended.
Very good to use. Highly recommended as it is very protective for my teeth.
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the toothpaste creates fewer bubbles
I appreciate that the toothpaste creates fewer bubbles, making it a more comfortable experience, especially for my sensitive gums. It feels gentle and effective, which is exactly what I need. I’m planning to purchase it again once I finish this sample. Thank you for introducing me to such a great product!
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Blissful confidence throughout the day
I can really enjoy the delight of local cuisines without worrying
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Berkesan untuk gusi sensitve
Sangat bagus ye produk ni.membantu gusi saya yang sangat sensitive selalu keluar darah tiap Kali bersihkan gigi. Tetapi tidak lagi selepas menggunakan produk ni. Produk ni juga menghilangkan karang gigi saya. Menakjubkan
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gigi kurang sensitif dan bersih.
gigi saya terasa lebih sihat dan kurang sensitif bervbanding sebelum ini.
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Segar fresh dan menawan
Sensodyne membuat kan senyuman saya sentiasa ceria sepanjang hari.dengan semanis nya.terima kasih Sensodyne.
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