QV Baby Gentle Wash

4.7 5 0 322 322 QV Baby Gentle Wash is a moisturising soap-free daily wash, suitable for your baby everyday bath. It can be applied from your baby’s hair and body and it’s delicate even on sensitive skin. This new formula contains Vitamin B3, to help support your baby’s skin barrier.
QV Baby Gentle Wash


宝宝肌肤很柔,很适合用这个产品 减少刺激肌肤 很温和 ,也没有香精 是一个不错 又安全的产品,会继续购买
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Sangat hakus untuk kulit bayi saya
QVBaby Gentle Wash sangat wangi dan tidak memedihkan mata bayi saya.. saya akan membelinya nanti
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Super gentle to baby skin and clean well at one wash
My baby used to have sensitive skin and often facing unbearable itchiness and rashes when the shampoo and body wash is not suitable for her skin. However, after start using QV Baby Gentle Wash, we found it able to clean well and it does not trigger the bad reaction on her skin. No fragrance and her skin is super soft & supple after wash, good to wash from top to toe! She does not cry when washing her hair and she has no complaint against the scent again. Nothing is more important that giving her the healthy skin with right body wash that allow her to have a sound sleep and playful day time without disturbance of itchiness and discomfort.
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Very gentle product...............................
I have use this gentle wash on my baby who have eczema, it is really gently and will not cause any irritation to the skin
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QV Baby Gentle
QV Baby Gentle wash is very suitable for my baby sensitive skin. I love my baby smell after bath. It is soap free, so I can use without worry.
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Lembut pada kulit
Kulit bayi saya terasa lembut dan sangat bersih setiap kali selepas menggunakan produk ini.Ia nya jugak tidak mengeringkan kulit bayi saya malah mengekalkan kelembapan pada kulit.
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penghidrat kulit terbaik
anak saya mempunyai sebarhoic dermatitis dimana kepala nya akan sentiasa berkerak tanpa sebab..selepas seminggu lebih pengunaan, kerak di kepala nampak sedikit kurang. Buat masa ini saya masih meneruskan penggunaan qv baby wash untuk melihat kerak kulit kepalanya berkurang lebih banyak lagi .
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Sangat sesuai untuk bayi
Setelah mencuba sampel yang telah diterima dan menggunakan dalam tempoh dua hari, kulit anak saya terasa sangat lembut dan lembab. Tiada lagi masalah ruam pada anak Setelah menggunakannya hampir seminggu.. Saya mengesyorkan kepada semua untuk menggunakan produk ini pada bayi anda.. Ia sangat-sangat memuaskan hati saya.. Terima kasih Home Tester Club 😊
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Tear free, nourishes skin, delicated skin and hair
Bayi saya mempunyai kulit yang sensitif dan kering. Sejak menggunakan QV Baby Gentle Wash tiada lagi kulit kering dan bersisik. Saya sukakan formulanya yang tidak memedihkan mata. Sayang bayi anda gunakan QV Baby Gentle Wash hari ini.
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Suitable for my
Suitable for my baby, I can trust this QV Baby Gentle Wash because I thought it is safe and gentle for babies' skin.
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Gentle, hydrating and
QV Baby Gentle Wash is gentle, soft and mild on the baby's skin. After using it leaves the skin moisturised and hydrated.I would recommend to use this if you are looking for a product which is mild and hydrating.
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I Love It
Baby Gentle Wash is a mild cleanserfor hair and body. Moisturising formula helps rehydrate babys skin and is ideal for daily use
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Sabun mandi Bayi
QV baby gentle wash sangat bagus.. Sebelum menggunakan produk QV BABY GENTLE WASH kulit bayi saya kerap jadi kemerahan seperti alergik.. Selepas guna produk ini.. Kulit bayi makin sihat..MEMANG RECOMMENDED.. Saya sangat menyukai produk ini.. Anda semua mesti memiliki QV baby gentle wash..
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fragrance free and gentle wash for baby sensitive skin
I like it because it doesn't have harmful chemicals that may have long term effects on baby skin
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I bought qv baby lotion to pair with this body wash
This is good body wash for baby with dry skin, pair with lotion to get maximum result
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