Garnier Color Naturals

4.7 5 0 44 44 Garnier Color Naturals has a formula enriched with Almond Oil and Extra Shine Serum that protects the color's durability: <br> - Hair coloring with vibrant content <br> - No ammonia <br> - 5x more shiny hair <br> - Transparent water and certified halal
Garnier Color Naturals


Warna I beli burgundy red actually. Dia macam purple” sikit awal” tu which is exactly like I want. For black hair and first time dye rambut memang tak terang sangat. I didn’t bleach pon but still nmpk color dia but under sunlight jela nampak. Tak buat rambut rosak or putus” . Nice sgt look natural je warna rambut tu. For those yang baru nak cuba” color rambut mmg recommended but tools semua kene beli sendiri. Tapi color tu stay paling” pon 3 months sbb dia telus air. So lepas tu dia jadi dark brown” centu but still cantik and I suka. Actually I beli yg box and cukup je 1 box utk rambut I yg tak tebal paras bahu
Love the product..easy for beginner..need to have yr own applications utensils otherwise ..The colour done in 1 hr max...though the colour doesnt last long..Good for a few weeks though..
Best for Root Touchups !
As a person who regularly dyes my own hair (diy) every 3/4 months, I would say this is PERFECT for root touchups especially when you have an important event the night before. Apart from being cheap, the colour payoff is awesome, easy to match the colour from my previous dye. Waiting time is 30 minutes, which is great. Love that it has a smaller pack option and a bigger one. If you want to dye your hair yourself, this is definitely a great option for beginners !
Pewarna rambut yang cantik
Pewarna rambut yang cantik. Tiada Bau kimia yang biasa ada pada pewarna rambut. Rambut terasa lembut selepas mewarnakan rambut tidak ada rasa rambut yg keras seperti kebiasaan pewarna rambut lain. sesuai untuk rambut yang pendek beli pack kecil ni banding Botol besar.
Warna yang kekal lama
Pewarna rambut yang telus air dan sesuai untuk pengguna muslim. Warnanya yang terang dan sama dengan label/warna rambut model pada packaging. Bau yang wangi. Sangat mudah digunakan kerana datang dengan botol yang mudah untuk dipicit pada rambut
saya mempunyai masalah rambut beruban. tetapi setelah pakai gardenia color naturals ini saya dapati rambut saya tidak kering walaupun setelah pakai untuk jangka masa yang panjang.
I have tried this product previously. I did not expect much as i intended to colour my hair on my own. No bleaching, no chemical used but the colour turn out very nice. Last time i tried the burgundy colour on my black hair. i love how i did not make my hair dry and how the colour not so bright and look nice on me. will definitely buy again.
color looks good with bleaching
fall in love with this hair color, I have purchased it so many times. color looks good even if you don't bleach your hair, not damaged hair.
i dont remember how many times i’ve purchased this. cause i literally love the formula for this hair dye cause it doesnt make my hair dry that bad. the hair conditioner that they provide are nice!! i wish the could sell them as a product.
Warna nampak natural
Saya guna pewarna rambut sudah setahun memang warna cantik, rambut tidak kering, warna nampak natural
Dah pakai 3 warna dalam setahun tanpa bleach.. warna sangat cantik dan yang penting rambut tidak kasar dan kering. Rambut amat bermaya dan tingkatkan keyakinan dan mood saya.. Kali ke-empat saya akan guna bleach..
Easy to use
Saya beli warna coklat karamel dan nampak warna nya walaupun saya tak bleach rambut. Yang paling penting, rambut tak rosak lepas guna ni.
The price is reasonable, easy to find in stores and it works on my hair. I love 'Coklat Caramel' and it always being my choice.
Sangat sesuai untuk saya ! Warna Sangat sesuai untuk saya untuk mengayakannya .. Rambut juga makin sihat dan lebat .. Pack boleh dibuat dalam pek besar Sudah pasti saya mengesyorkannya !
Im not the person who always color my hair. i just wanted to give a try. this product amaze me so much!. attached herewith my hair under sunlight and 8 hours of using it(golden brown 2 boxes) . im not using any bleach. i didnt recommend you to apply until 8 hours. its your own consequences. but i love the result!!!!

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