Farm Fresh Banana Flavoured Milk

4.7 5 0 362 362 Feeling "pishang" at home? ‘Pishang’ is a trending term used among young Malays which basically means bored or boring. Why not try something new like this refreshing and creamy taste Banana Milk that has a blend of banana puree with creamy cow's milk. No essence, no colouring, no preservatives. Ready for the real banana milk?
Farm Fresh Banana Flavoured Milk


Susu pisang farm fresh memang sedap
Susu pisang farm fresh memang sedap dan gemari seluruh ahli keluarga saya . Memang akan menjadi pilihan kami
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Smell, tastes, sweetness are just right
The banana milk have a great smell with not strong artificial smell like others, the tastes and sweetness are just right for my children
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The best banana milk ever
Actually I’m always drink banana milk from farm fresh. I like it because the taste is perfectly. The taste of banana is good not to much like some brand. Sampai i kadang2 rasa mcm gas of banana.
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Perfect taste for people
Farm fresh is my favourite milk box brand because it taste so creamy and great on my taste bud. Fresh milk also my favourite drink
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Perfect as breakfast
I like this banana milk,it taste like the Korean banana Milk, and it perfect for breakfast for me and my children
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Yummy-licious Farm Fresh Banana Milk
Farm Fresh Banana Milk won't leave a strong taste of banana essence in you mouth after consuming it. Hence, it is not too invasive and it taste good and refreshing with a light taste of Banana in the milk.
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First try, taste not bad
Taste not bad, definitely will buy it again..........
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The banana milk is creamy and taste good
Tha banana milk is tasted good and creamy. I would recommend this milk to my friends.
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Rasa asli susu pisang. Sedap terbaikk
Rasa susu pisang yang sebenar, sangat sedap. Enak dinikmati disetiap peringkat umur. Anak2 saya sgt2 suka kan susu pisang ni. Lepas ni boleh beli yang botol besar terus. Rasa yang cukup sempurna tak perlu tambahkan apa2 lagi. Yang penting susu nya lemak berkrim.
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When i first try i must say that the banana milk is creamy and the taste of the banana is quite mild compared to the other brand i've tasted before. The smell of the banana milk is not too strong, just nice.
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Creamy and taste like real banana
The banana milk is very creamy and it taste exactly like banana. No artificial taste or fragrance at all. You all can try to mix with oat, biscuit and bread as breakfast or high tea.
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Farm Fresh Banana Milk suits my taste!
Banana flavoured milk from Farm Fresh really tastes so good! I was glad that it did not have the taste of artificial banana flavour. It tastes less sweet compare to other brands. The ingredients are simple as it made up of fresh milk, banana puree, brown sugar and stabilisers only. The milk colour is not yellowish and it looks healthy just like regular fresh milk. It has creamy taste where the taste of fresh milk is strong and the sweetness is just perfect. It really suits my taste.
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Taste is good, my kids like it very much…will purchase in future
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Farm fresh sedap dan terbaik
Serius cakap memang sedap. Bukan rasa esen pisang. Rasa pisang asli. Anak minum sorang sampai habis. Sebelum ni beli jenis lain dia langsung tak suka. Yang ni dia suka sangat2. Terbaik la susu ni.
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