4.750494494Removes germs, bacteria, kitchen grease and countless other dirt you find in and out of your home.
<ul><li>Kills 99.9% of germs</li>
<li>The easy way to clean and disinfect</li>
<li>Kills cold & flu viruses</li>
<li>All-purpose, multi surface wipes</li></ul>
Available in:<br>
35 wipes
Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes
4.7 from
Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes
Removes germs, bacteria, kitchen grease and countless other dirt you find in and out of your home.
Saya suka menggunakan produk ini untuk membersihkan perabot,dapur dan lain2...Saya yakin produk ini akan menghapuskan kuman yang merbahaya untuk keluarga Saya.
Due to the pandemic, I bought 2 of them for disinfecting the surface. My first experience is the area wasnt greasy after being wipes. But it would be better if the scent can be a bit less strong and have more wipes or we can buy more tissue to add on since there is a lot of disinfecting water left.. If you are comfortable with the scent, this product is good to use!
Azlin(Batu Caves)
Home Tester
16 Reviews
Azlin(Batu Caves)
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16 Reviews
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Surface disinfected and perfectly clean.
There are in a perfect bottle, so it’s worth it for on the go or stuck in a spot. I use these on a regular basis. The smell is not strong. They’re soft and extremely strong. I specially love the bottle, because I’m sure we’ve all experienced the tissue can be very drying, to the point of using a ziplock to keep them fresh and wet. That’s no problem here. They leave your surface to be disinfected and perfectly clean.
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester
12 Reviews
Home Tester
12 Reviews
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Mudah, nyahkuman & berkesan
Cara mudah untuk membasmi kuman pada peralatan terutama dimusim virus covid19 ini.
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Norita(Shah Alam)
Home Tester Ace
92 Reviews
Norita(Shah Alam)
Home Tester Ace
92 Reviews
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Memudahkan kerja
Saya sudah mencuba tisu basah keluaran clorox ini, dan saya amat berpuas hati. Dengan adanya tisu basah anti bakteria ini, kerja pembasmian kuman semakin mudah dan cepat. Senang sahaja untuk menggunakan nya hanya ambik sehelai dan lap dimana2 permukaan.
Home Tester
22 Reviews
Home Tester
22 Reviews
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i really love it i feel safe.
the product is really effective to clean and kill germs. just with 1 sheet i feel clean n safe.
Its very convenient to disinfect things like door knobs and tables. Easy to use and less time consuming to clean and disinfect the small area/item. However, for those who have sensitive hands, please use glove as it will make your hand a bit irritate when using the wipes. Recommended especially for those who are working in a clinic that needs to sanitise door knobs and tables.
Juliana(Bandar Baru Chendor Balok Kuantan)
Home Tester Ace
106 Reviews
Juliana(Bandar Baru Chendor Balok Kuantan)
Home Tester Ace
106 Reviews
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Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Di Akui Terbaik
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes .. sangat sangat berbaloi menggunakan produk ini kerana membantu menyelesaikan semua kerja rumah saya dengan penuh berkesan. Menaggalkan kotoran degil pada permukaan meja dan alatan dalam rumah. Semua rumah patut ada satu.produk ini.
Home Tester
28 Reviews
Home Tester
28 Reviews
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Sangat mudah digunakan dan praktikal.
Sangat memudahkan kerja saya, kerana clorox disinfectan wipes boleh menanggalkan segala kotoran dan sekaligus membasmi kuman. Praktikal kerana wipes terletak didalam bekas dan mudah disimpan. Saya gunakan clorox wipes disetiap penjuru rumah saya. Sangat membantu untuk suri rumah macam saya.
Saya sgt berpuas hati dgn clorox@ Disinfecting wipes ni...kerana ia blh digunakan untuk membersihkan pelbagai peralatan..termasuk stainless,ppermukaan kayu,bilik mandi,tandas.. saya sgt berpuasmenggunakan wipes ni..kerana ia dpt membunuh 99.9% kuman..ia dpt menyakinkan saya bila menggunakannya..
Easy to use and convenience to wipe on the surface.
Home Tested with free product
norazalilah(Ayer Lanas, Jeli)
Home Tester
19 Reviews
norazalilah(Ayer Lanas, Jeli)
Home Tester
19 Reviews
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clorox disinfecting wipe
senang digunakan dan membasmi bakteria dan virus. saya agak risau tentang kebersihan dan pembasmian kuman dirumah. Anak saya masih kecil dan risiko terdedah dengan covid amat merisaukan saya. dengan adanya clorox wipes, ia memudahkan wanita bekerjaya seperti saya. semestinya menjimatkan masa
Nur (Shah Alam)
Nur (Shah Alam)
Xuan (Kampung Baru)
Xuan (Kampung Baru)
Azlin (Batu Caves)
Azlin (Batu Caves)
hasfa (Sepang)
hasfa (Sepang)
Norita (Shah Alam)
Norita (Shah Alam)
Nur Imanina (Seksyen 2, Wangsa Maju)
Nur Imanina (Seksyen 2, Wangsa Maju)
Juliana (Bandar Baru Chendor Balok Kuantan)
Juliana (Bandar Baru Chendor Balok Kuantan)
Haniey (Dungun)
Haniey (Dungun)
Maznah (TUMPAT)
Maznah (TUMPAT)
norazalilah (Ayer Lanas, Jeli)
norazalilah (Ayer Lanas, Jeli)
Annie (Batu Gajah)
Annie (Batu Gajah)
Norhazariah (Kluang)
Norhazariah (Kluang)