Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes

4.7 5 0 494 494 Removes germs, bacteria, kitchen grease and countless other dirt you find in and out of your home. <br> <ul><li>Kills 99.9% of germs</li> <li>The easy way to clean and disinfect</li> <li>Kills cold & flu viruses</li> <li>All-purpose, multi surface wipes</li></ul> <br> Available in:<br> 35 wipes
Clorox<sup>®</sup> Disinfecting Wipes


Clorox wipes can clean surface easily.
Clorox wipes can easily clean surface. Not too wet or nice. Can be dried within a minute.
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Terbaik dan terbaik
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes amat berbaloi untuk dibeli....harga mampu milik...kualiti terbaik...membersih lebih pantas, jimat masa & tenaga...membersih sekaligus membasmi kuman...sesuai untuk kegunaan isi rumah dan pejabat...cara pantas untuk membersih bila ada anak- anak kecil..
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每次出去后回来都会用Clorox Disinfecting Wipes来消毒电话是表面和电话壳还有车锁匙与门锁匙☺
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I used this to clean kitchen counter, my coffee table and dining table. And the smells is not bad. I'm pretty sure it is anti bacterial. Definitely will purchase again.
Cleaned and satisfying
Best disinfecting wipes. Wipes away all germs. Felt bit relieved to use baby chairs at the restaurant after wiping the chair with this wipes. Yes i totally recommend this wipess!
Sangat2 best.. dan membantu sy dalam membuat kerja rumah, membersihkan kwsn permainan anak sy, senang dipakai..sangat baik!! Sy suka memakainya.. sy sgt mentarakan kepada org ramai utk gunkannya, lg dlm keadaan covid skrg..
Clorox Expert Disinfecting Wipes
The product is easy & convenience to wipe on the surface, the smell is good also.
convenient and handy. it is not messy nor very wet as other wipes and yet it does its work. I may consider getting the larger size as it can wipe down larger area of the hospital bed.
Mudah dan selamat
Sangat mudah dan praktikal digunakan untuk membersihkan permukaan rumah yang kotor kerana ia didatangkan dalam bentuk wipes.hanya tarik dan lap.permukaan yang kotor terasa bersih dan wangi.
Fast and convenient
I think is best for me to use especially at the kitchen where I cook daily. Easy to clean my oily kitchen just tear a wet kitchen tower rather use water to clean it
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clorox disinfecting wipes is the best..
menanggalkan kekotoran yang melekat dipermukaan kawasan degil.. menyenangkan kerja saya untuk mencuci dan mengelap dapur, bilik air selepas digunakan..
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紙巾很濕,抹了也很乾淨 整體來說是不錯的一個產品 消毒也是不錯的 我會考慮介紹給身邊的人 價格方面我就不太懂了因為還沒去買 收到的樣本很大一瓶還沒用完
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disinfecting, clean effective
i trust Clorox Disinfecting Wipes can kill 99.99% bacteria. i now shift my current brand to Clorox Disinfecting Wipes. it really help a lot during this pandemic period. I feel less worry after i use Clorox Disinfecting to clean the table when dining at outside
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Easy to use
Menyerap kekotoran,habuk serta membersihkan permukaan yang dikehendaki. Mudah digunakan,senang dibawa ke mana-mana
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Saya yakin akan kebersihan
Membunuh 99.9% kuman dan memudahkan kerja pembersihan..terima kasih clorox
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