Clorox Disinfecting Floor Cleaner

4.7 5 0 188 188 The NEW Clorox Disinfecting Floor Cleaner cleans, freshens & disinfects your home in just 1 step. Clorox Disinfecting Floor Cleaner provides 48 hours prevention against bacteria, safeguarding you & your loved ones and at the same time ensuring your floors are sparkling clean, shiny and non-sticky. <br><br> You may now feel the NEW clean as it also leaves your home with long-lasting freshness from its delightful fragrances – Lavender, Jasmine and Lemon. Say goodbye to stickiness, grease and germs with none other than the Clorox Disinfecting Floor Cleaner.
Clorox Disinfecting Floor Cleaner


Clorox Disinfecting Floor Cleaner
Clorox Disinfecting Floor Cleaner's scents is super pleasant and long lasting, it is easy and conveneince to use. It has its special formula that can instantly removing tough stains.
Very useful
No product can beat Clorox. The new one even better!
Clorox Disinfecting Floor Cleaner
I tried out the new Clorox Disinfecting Floor Cleaner, and it's fantastic! It cleaned and disinfected my floors in one step, keeping my home safe and free from bacteria.
wangi dan bersih
pencuci ni sangat wangi terutama lavender.. membersihkan lantai dan meninggalkan haruman yang selesa.
Wangi dan bersih
Cucian tanpa bilas sangat bagus walaupun tidak di bilas. Bilas lantai kering ianya tidak melekit dan saya yakin ia bersih dan selamat. Sangat senang untuk digunakan. Boleh campur air untuk cucian pertama. Bau juga tidak menyengat seperti brand lain. Saya sangat suka dan berpuas hati
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Clorox Disinfecting Floor Cleaner
Clorox Disinfecting Floor Cleaner is easy and safe to use, It is defining features is its intense fragrance, which can last for days on clothes and which some people find overwhelming.
best dan wangi
wangi dan berkesan untuk pembersihan . memang terbaik . saya tak pernah tukar produk lain . tidak melekit dan saya sangat suka . keluarga saya memang menggunakan cloerox dalam apa jua item sekali pun
Clorox Cleaner
This Clorox Disinfecting Floor Cleaner is a good helper, it helps to save my time and money. It contains strong degreasing power that removes dirt instantly, I like its fresh fragrance smell.
Bersih & bersinar
Saya baru sahaja mencuba produk ini dan saya terus jatuh cinta dengan keberkesanan produk ini.Meninggalkan bau yang harum dah lantai saya bersinar dan bersih.Semestinya saya akan mengesyorkan produk ini kepada kawan-kawan serta keluarga saya.
King of all cleaner
very effective and trustworthy.. I use anywhere, any stain and any dirt.
Produk yang bagus...saya memang mengunakkan pencuci lantai ini di rumah,bau wangi yang tidak menyengat..yang paling penting produk ini juga membunuh kuman,sangat membantu untuk ibu-ibu yang ada anak kecil....3 fungsi dalam 1 botol,membersih,membunuh kuman dan mewangikan lantai...
Clorox Disinfecting Floor Cleaner's smell so good, it is long lasting and pleasant. It has its special formula that can instantly removing tough stains easily, It is a must try product.
Clorox Disinfecting Floor Cleaner
This Clorox Disinfecting Floor Cleaner is easy and convenience to use. It leaves no visible damage to the floor and removes the stubborn dirt around the home with minimum effort.
Clorox Floor Cleaner
Sedapnya bau clorox floor cleaner ni. Lantai terus berbau wangi dan segar. Berkilat lantai. Pasti akan repeat beli brand clorox ni. Recommended.
My favourite little assistant
Cleaning is much easier and better with this little assistance. Even, it can be done within 5 minutes. The smell is nice and great. The texture is quite concentrated hence no need to put a lot. Save money, save energy and of course save time. Thank you Clorox and Home Tester!
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