Sunfeast Bounce Fills

4.1 5 0 12 12 SunFest Bounce Fills. The new offering is a milk crème Centre-filled cookie and comes in two exciting flavors – Orange and Strawberry. The biscuit provides an elevated experience in the form of molten crème encased in crunchy fruit flavored shells.
Sunfeast Bounce Fills


It's a good tasting cream biscuit but it tastes too sugary for me
Perfect snack
Perfect snack for a short break and it's within a budget.
Good product
The cookies with flavor of orange and strawberry gives you amazing feeling. The flavor of cream gives smooth taste
Pastime snack
Affordable snack for a short break. Crunchyness attached with creaminess.
Affordable and the best
Personally, I do not like orange or anything that has orange-related flavour but these were an exception. We have two more varieties - strawberry and chocolate and I love all three of them. Sunfeast has done a good job of making these cream fills. There are two small, cute button sizes for the price of 5 which is affordable. They can try making a bigger pack of more like 4 or 6 in one packet since it can help reduce the plastic/packaging waste if one household wants to buy more of it in bulk.
Tastes Nice
It tastes okay. I like the texture of the cookie - its chewy and has a nice crunch to it. The filling is alright, though I have to say I'm not into cream fillings so I might be biased there. In a nutshell : 7 out of 10.
Bounce bounce
It's really taste good .i love the cream filling in the cookie . really want to review it pleases send it ones
Whenever I tried this product this product taste the flavour of this product is orange such a note good you should must try the chocolate flavour the factory mustard and when you this product is mixture of the venila cream and the and the outer hell player is the orange flavour so it doesn't make good taste so company had to make a good this product literally this product is good but I will give us average because as a foodi vanilla and orange doesn't make a good taste
A good snack to enjoy
Suits the name cream fills, the flavour of the cream is soo good.
Sunfeast bounce fills cookies are the new version of modern biscuit s such as dark fantasy and bla bla bla but sunfeast brand is going to fly on wings if it maintains such type of variety in their products at such a legit price amount and quantity that fits in almost lower middle class and middle class family . Glad to get two coockies with their older filling in a new variety a price of ₹5 . moreover the bite of the coockie gradually melts in the mouth with the tangy taste that i love the most - also pink /rose flavour is also available in the market.i usually buy 10 packs of it at a worthy price of ₹50 . per pack contains 2 melted cream filled cookies. I don't know if this products family pack is either available in the market or not but if it will - then i am surely going to purchase it
these are very very good . Buy it and you will know it
Very sweet but fine
The product is tasty. Sweet tooth people will love it.

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