Apis Chocolate Spread is a tasty and nutritious option, rich in vitamins and minerals that make it a substantial meal. As the metabolic rate is highest during the day, the optimal time to consume it would be in the morning. This spread serves as a good source of energy and has comparatively low cholesterol content, making it a healthier alternative to other chocolate spreads on the market.
Shahzeb (Muzaffarpur)
Shahzeb (Muzaffarpur)
Joolokeni ()
Joolokeni ()
Anjali (Bhilwara)
Anjali (Bhilwara)
Mohammed Jabir (Vilayur,Pattambi)
Mohammed Jabir (Vilayur,Pattambi)
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Saba (Lucknow)
Priya Kokkadan (Kannur)
Priya Kokkadan (Kannur)
Archisha (Kolkata)
Archisha (Kolkata)
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Pmkashif (Ambur)
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Swapnil (Pune)
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Sonal (Mumbai)
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Munmun (Dhanbad)
Priyesh (Mumbai)
Priyesh (Mumbai)