These disclosure terms form part of the Terms and Conditions of your membership with Home Tester Club. We've outlined them below so you can see them easily.
From time to time you may be asked to review products, including third party products. In exchange for your review you may be provided with benefits, not limited to obtaining the product to be reviewed for free. You represent and warrant that you shall disclose that you have been provided with compensation or free product in exchange for your honest review.
How do I disclose? It is easy. If you are commenting on your experience outside of the Home Tester Club we recommend using a disclosure hashtag (#), like one of the following.
If you are reviewing on then you don't need to add these tags - we do this automatically for you via the "Home Tested" tag that is applied to your review.
Remember, we want your uncensored ratings and reviews. We want you to tell us exactly what you thought about the product, in your own words and style. Your friends & Home Tester Club members are interested in what your experience is - both positive and negative, so use the product a few times and provide your considered feedback.
By stating that you received the product for free helps the quality and credibility of all the reviews made by Home Tester Club members.
Why do we ask you do this? It helps everyone know how you go to make your review, and we want to make sure all our members follow the guidelines set by the Federal Trade Commission.