Vicks VapoSteam Liquide médicamenteux avec camphre pour aider à soulager la toux

4,6 5 0 66 66 La vapeur et l'humidité offrent un soulagement temporaire de la toux et de la congestion due aux rhumes ou aux allergies. Les humidificateurs et inhalateurs à vapeur Vicks vous aident à respirer plus facilement où que vous soyez, de la chambre au bureau.
Vicks VapoSteam Liquide médicamenteux avec camphre pour aider à soulager la toux


Work well when kids are sick!
I have been using this brand for many years now. Since my kids were at the age of 4. This has helped my kids get better faster. Especially at night time it helps them keep calm, less congestion at night and get better sleep.
Healers best friend
Allows for a good night's sleep while sick. Warms the the air
Works great
Works great but too costly. Less off a mess which is nice, out of my price point.
Vicks VapoSteam 8 Ounce Medicated Vaporizing Liquid with Camphor Added to your Vicks humidifier was a necessity when my daughter was a toddler. She suffered from croup for three straight winters and I don’t know what we would have done without it. Very water soluble if you get it on your clothes it doesn’t stain. the smell is very calming and relaxing, and seemed to help big time with symptoms of croupe. I would highly recommend.
efficace contre la toux
c est bon la bouche et la gorge. Je me sens plus à l'aise après la toux. ma femme l'a utilisé aussi et c'est parfait pour la famille
Depuis toute jeune ma mère me mettait ça sous les pieds lorsque j'avais une grippe. Aujourd'hui je fait pareille. J'adore très doux et décongestionne.
Surprenant! Quand même assez efficace et soulage bien la toux !! Et facile à utiliser !
A real blessing in winter!
I am asthmatic, so as soon as the coming winter starts to make the air dryer, I haul out the vaporizer and have it working around the clock. the addition of Vapo Steam helps my breathing and the aroma makes the room smell quite nice.
Vicks VaporSteam
This product is great! Stops the congestion and gets rid of that dry, raspy cough. It works so well that it gives the room an amazing smell. This has saved me from many sleepless nights! I love it.
This works absolutely perfect. So much better than rubbing in. Easy to use.
Decongestant At It's Best
Love this! I add to my vaporizer when my son has a stuffy nose. He is able to lie his head down and get the rest he needs.
Vaporized Me To Be Able To Breathe!
When I was a child my mother used to use Vapo Rub on me. It is an amazing product and works so well. It helps to relieve my congestion and stop my cough. I use this in my vaporizer and I can breathe and no coughing. As always an amazing product.
I trust this brand
Vicks is always kept in my house because it works and I trust the brand. As soon as one of us show signs of getting a cold out comes the Vicks.
Great for when your sick
I always have some sort of Vicks in my house. The steam inhalers are amazing
it works like a charm. clears the passageway so breathing is easier

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