Takis® croustilles de tortilla au fromage

4,5 5 0 121 121 Les croustilles de tortilla roulées TakisMD Intense Nacho offrent toute l’intensité des Takis, sans goût épicé. Même si leur goût est classé Non épicé dans l’échelle de goût piquant des TakisMD, ces croustilles ont une puissante saveur de nacho au fromage. Avec leur forme roulée distinctive qui les rend sérieusement croustillantes, ces croustilles de tortilla de maïs sont uniques.
Takis® croustilles de tortilla au fromage


Tasty with a kick
Hehe, leaves you wanting more. Very tasty with some heat and spice. Just when you think, "ok enough heat" and close the bag, a few minutes later the bag is opened again! The cycle continues. I like them, easy to crunch on. Tasty. Droolworthy.
Tasty with a big crunch.
Corn chips are one of my favourite snacks and These delicious chips do not disappoint. Great for dipping and make an amazing coating for chicken fingers.
Really good snack tastes like Doritos but rolled up.
Spicy good
I feel like that this a satisfying crunch along the much needed spice to keep me consistent until I finished the bag. Yum...I really enjoyed it overall so nothing else to improve
Delicious snack
They are mild enough for the kids, but still flavourful. Our kids ask for them every time we are at the grocery store!
Love these
I have always wanted to try this brand but I can not eat anything spicy at all and I was so happy to see a non spicy kind. I love them, I love the flavour and I love the crunch.
I thought they where pretty good they had the right amount of heat
I like the flavor, not totally sold on the crunch personally, that just me though.
Delicieuse alternative aux doritos. En plus on en trouve partout
Just like movie theatre nachos
Gives that nostalgic flavour of nacho cheese, like the kind that comes out of a pump
Too spicy
This was too spicy. It left my mouth burning for a while after eating.
Another Delicious Flavor.
This company can’t seem to go wrong. Haven’t been disappointed yet. Really loved the cheesyness of this flavour, its my new favortite
Just the bite you want
Just the bite you want. Fire in your mouth is just perfect. Explosion of flavor and taste. The perfect Product for party and reception. Just hard to not finish the pack in one shot...
Maximum crunch and cheesy goodness
I like Takis because of their shape, making the ultra crunchy. These intense cheese flavored tortilla chips are delicious with orange power all over your fingers too!
Yum yum!!
I tried out this product abiut 3 months ago, and ive been completely addicted since. Nice strong crunch, with a very cheesy taste. Flavoring is truely intense and delicious too.


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