Litière pour chat PrettyLitter Health Monitoring

3,9 5 0 101 101 PrettyLitter est la litière pour chat la plus intelligente au monde. Les cristaux absorbants non agglomérants emprisonnent instantanément les odeurs et éliminent l’humidité, ce qui le rend idéal pour les foyers à un ou plusieurs chats. Cette litière révolutionnaire et légère change de couleur pour vous aider à surveiller la santé de votre chat.
Litière pour chat PrettyLitter Health Monitoring


Kitten approved!
Two inches of litter is all that is needed. There is no odor. You have the assurance of your pets health at first glance, the urine will change the litter color if there is a problem, there is a color for normal too. It takes 1 lightweight bag and lasts about a month. One of the best quality kitty litters I have used.
Pretty Litter
Pretty Litter is an awesome product and well worth the extra cost. No odour, doesn’t track all over the house and makes figuring out the health of your cat, a synch. I would absolutely recommend Pretty Litter to all cat owners.
Best Litter out there!
I've tried many cat litters over the years but hands down, Pretty Litter is my favorite. Not only is it clean looking, it doesn't track around the house via cat feet. It has the color indicating health feature that is always a helpful tool to be on top of your kitty's well being, and best of all is that it's odor free! With daily scooping of solid waste from the litter and a quick stir, this litter is virtually odor free. Kitty loves it and so do I because I only change the litter once a month. Easy to change too as the litter gives off very little dust. All round winner in my books. Try it out. I'm sure you will fall in love too!
Could be better, could be worse.
I like the health monitoring/colour change aspect of the litter, but damn is it pricey. The crystals are finer than any other crystal litter I've seen, so they are definitely not dust free. In order to keep track of the colour changes better, you have to change the litter alot more than reccomended (as if it didn't cost enough beforehand). Plus I mean if you have more than 1 cat and communal litter, its a little pointless and you can get crystal litter in a huge pack for cheaper (online order only). That being said, it always shipped fast, on time, and arrived in excellent condition. I love the medical purpose it serves cause cats hide illnesses so well, and decompensate insanely fast when they can no longer hide their symptoms. Plus, this companies customer retention policies are amazing. They offer discounts and rewards that are worthwhile, and can be helpful when finances are temporarily tough. So mixed bag review but decent litter.
Very nice product
Good product a bit pricy and definately not dust free as they claim but it is easy to clean, no smell and no issues switching my cats over to it. The color changes for medical issues is also very handy
Didn’t exceed expectations
I was excited to try this litter based off what a friend had said but upon signing up for the subscription I along with my cat were highly disappointed. He didn’t like the texture on his paws and my hubby and I couldn’t handle the smell it left behind. It was a good idea in the sense of seeing if your cat had any health issues but that was the extent of what we liked. Thankfully our cat didn’t have any health concerns but it certainly wasn’t a product we could continue to order.
Surely not worth the extra cost.
This litter says it lasts for a month. Not true! It is to finely ground and ends up getting everywhere. It does little to help control the odor of urine and the cat droppings end up falling into small pieces that can barely be cleaned so you are left with tons of small bits mixed in the litter.
Could be a bigger bag for the same price
Love this cat litter! My cats love it too. As soon as I seen the litter change color, I looked up what it meant. I've never seen another litter do this. It lasts a lifetime (exaggeration). I just wish the bag would be bigger but for the same price. It also leaves no dust.
I bought that litter because my cat is 10 years old and I wanted to make sure she was healthy. I recommend this product for cat that have health issues or that are old. This product let you know if your cat have a health problem if there is blood in is urine or something else.
We've been using this product for over a year, it's the best product to keep the mess down, smell down and not just the smell in the and around the litter box but our cat as well. We clean our litter box everyday and mix the crystals around everyday, this helps it last the longest and keeps a happy cat! Would highly recommend this product.
No dust
We have been using this product for about 6 months. It seems to work alright but with two cats we do go through the litter twice as fast. It gets to be more expensive than clumping litter in the end for more work where I’m constantly trying to mix it up so it doesn’t smell
The best
Saw so many ads for this litter. Finally tried it. Love this product, I won't buy anything else.
Virtually dust free
What I love most about this litter is that it is virtually dust Free. In the fact that it absorbs the urine means that I don't have clumps of clay to throw out at the end of the month. So it makes the clean up so much easier.
Ça fait maintenant 2 mois que nous avons changer pour pretty Litter. Nous avons 4 chats, 1 sac dure environ 5 semaines sans odeur. Nous ne retournerons plus avec la litière agglomerante. La qualité a un prix.
My Cats like It
So, I had read and heard horror stories about this product and how it would do harm to cats. I have purchased this multiple times and never have had an issue with it and I must say it does keep the odour down. Well Done.


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