Finish Jetdry

4,8 5 0 563 563 • 207 lavages dans une seule bouteille. <br> • Sèche, brille, combat les taches et combat le tournage. <br> • Protection supérieure contre les taches et les résidus par rapport au détergent seul.
Finish Jetdry


My favourite OJ
Tropicana is my go to OJ. It has the best flavour. They use the freshest oranges. I love that that it comes in different size bottles. I don’t think it can be improved. I would definitely recommend it to all my friends.
Does what it claims
This product does exactly what it claims to do. You know when the dishwasher is out because the glassware has spots and things aren't as dry as they should be. I tried a no name brand...not worth the few pennies that I saved. Do yourself a favour and get the real deal.
I love this product, keep my dishes and utensils dry and shiny. Doesn't give any marks of water. Highly recommended.
Great at sparkling glasses
I have tried eco brands of rinse air before but I always come back to this one with jet dry! It does the best job at keeping my glasses sparkling and the utensils as well. This container will last a while even if you do a load of dishes a day because you only need alittle bit.
we use this product for dishwasher help to keep clean and not and dot on ur dishes it awesome product
Sparkly Cutlery
This is product is great. My cutlery looks so much better than before and no more drying spots off glasses and wine glasses. I will definately be buy this product.
Sparkling clean
I can definitely tell the difference when I use Jet Dry as my dishes come out really sparkling clean and no water spots. My dishes also take less time to dry so that's always a plus, I would definitely recommend.
Excellent product , and recommended!
This product is recommended by the maker of my dishwasher. I have to say that it works as it says it does. An excellent product. Sparkling clean every wash!
Must have!
Tried it once and haven’t stop using it since. With hard water my silverware and glasses used to come out covered in spots but with this stuff they’re shining! Would recommend it you struggle with spotty dishes
Extra Sparkle
I always know when to refill the dishwasher with Finish because the glasses don’t come out as shiny and clean. Finish definitely makes the glass sparkle. Only brand I use and trust.
a must
I have been using this for years. It helps my dishes come out drier and with fewer water spots than normal even with harder water. Even if i pop plastics in the upper rack they are getting drier. I ensure the dispenser is topped up all the time
Jet Dry
Great product. Has my glasses, cutlery and dishes coming out spotless! Highly recommend.
Experience Spotless Dishes Every Time
I've been using this product for years, and it never fails to deliver outstanding results. Just a small amount in the dishwasher's dispenser ensures that even the toughest stains and spots are completely eradicated from my dishes, glasses, and cutlery. What I love most is how it prevents water spots and streaks, leaving everything looking as good as new. Plus, it helps to speed up the drying process, so my dishes are ready to use or put away in no time.
Jet dry cannot live without
Over all review of this product is it drastically took away the appearance of water marks to reveal cleaner clearer looking dishes and shiny.
Finish Jet Dry
My go to dishwasher rinse. Leaves dishes shiny with no residue on glasses shiny shiny shiny. Easy to use and does a great job!

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