Catit Play Circuit 3 en 1 avec balle et jardinière d’herbe

3,9 5 0 19 19 Le circuit 3 en 1 avec balle constitue un jouet conçu pour offrir à votre chat des heures de plaisir. Le jouet interactif 3 en 1 comprend : des graines et de la vermiculite pour faire pousser de l’herbe pour chats, un circuit avec balle, et une abeille culbuto. La jardinière d’herbe est disposée au centre du jouet et offre aux chats d’intérieur les bienfaits de l’herbe retrouvée à l’extérieur. L’herbe constitue une source naturelle de fibres, laquelle est reconnue pour aider la digestion et prévenir la formation de boules de poils. Des graines et de la vermiculite sont incluses pour vous permettre de faire pousser de l’herbe saine pour vos chats.
Catit Play Circuit 3 en 1 avec balle et jardinière d’herbe


Love all the Catit toys and accessories
Fun interaction for our cats, the colors and designs are great for engaging our cats and I will buy Catit before any other company brand. Find them easily on Amazon
My cat likes but doesn’t love it
I am a little disappointed because my cat doesn’t love it the way I expected her to as she loves other products from this company. So, the toy on a spring sadly doesn’t interest her as it doesn’t move. The ball part is okay but again as she has to move it and it doesn’t move on its own it doesn’t hold her interest long. While she loves to get into and eat my plants, she hasn’t showed interest in cat grass. Overall I’m a little disappointed as I expected her to love this. Same company has other amazing cat toys and all cats like different things. What I can say is that the product is sturdy and well made and certainly I will buy other toys they make.
Cat likes it
My cat likes it but doesn’t use it as much as she would if there were a scratcher. The curiosity wore off quickly unfortunately. She likes the ball but doesn’t use the middle bit to scratch her nose or play with the thing on the spring.
My cat is obsessed
My cat is extremely picky with toys she'll play with, so much so that she's turned down many cat toys and steals pop bottle lids off my tables and bats them around the floor but this toy keeps her occupied for what seems like hours. She wakes me up at night playing with it if I don't put it up at night very good cat toy Good Job.
They love it
This was such a cute and fun toy for my cats. Three cats need to be occupied and this Catit cat toy completely did that !
My Cat's Fav!!
So I dont have this exact one but mine is very similar with a scratcher being the center. My cat Simon has been obsessed with this since he was just a kitten! At 8 years old now, he still goes absolutely wild. I'm constantly having to replace the scratcher because he uses it so much! He bounces around the ball after giving it a good swat then will chase after it. This can also lead to the zoomies where after a swat he will run around the entire house and do it all over again. This toy keeps him endlessly entertained and active. The only issue I've ever had was it sliding when my cat would run at it so I put Velcro on the bottom and on my floor so it will stay in place but is easy to remove when cleaning.
Keeps them busy
My cats love this. The only thing I did was glue on the spring toy, then I added a couple of more and glued them on. They love it!
Kitty vs adult
My kitten loves it but my adult cat does not pay much attention.
Senior cats like it too
My cat was getting bored with her nirmsl cat nip toys. First a friend of mine bought her a bigger interactive toy with a ball. One year later she still loves it. Because of that toy, I have purchase 3 more in the last year, this being one of them. My senior cat likes it but gets bored quite fast. I think if she were still a kitten she would like it more. She likes the toys that pop out at her or that move and she can catch or just sit down on it to stop it from moving. She cries in front of which toy she wants to play with if it requires me to turn it on. Although, she has figured out how to turn one of them on by herself. I went to the SPCA, in 2018 to “pick” the cat I wanted. She picked me and we’ve been together since. The u conditional love she gives is something that I need and I love her just as much and I know that’s what she needs too. She must have known, back in 2018, that we would be best friends. My picture is not of the you -she wouldn’t let me take a picture or video.
Hours of fun
My kittens love it. I need 2 more so they stop fighting over it. Lol
Our 2 cats just love this
Our cats love this. It can keep them occupied for hours. Even our dog plays with it. Money well spent!
My cat was interested in this and used it randomly when she’d walk buy and give it few swats and play for a bit then move on to the next plan of attack! She plays with with it briefly a few times a week as it sits on the living room floor. I found it worth it for an extra activity to do.
Super cute
First off, the design is super engaging. The circuit ball toy is like a little racetrack for your kitty, complete with a rolling ball that they can bat around. It’s great for keeping them entertained and active, especially if you have an indoor cat that needs a bit more stimulation. The addition of the cat grass is a fantastic touch. It’s like a little snack bar right in the middle of the action. The grass is easy to grow and maintain, and my cats absolutely love nibbling on it. It’s a great way to add some greenery to their playtime and provide a bit of extra nutrition. Putting the toy together was straightforward, and it feels sturdy enough to withstand some enthusiastic play. My cats were curious from the moment I set it up and quickly got the hang of chasing the ball around the track. It’s been a great way to keep them engaged and prevent boredom.
Cat got bored
He played with the ball for 5 mins when he realized the ball wasn't coming out he gave up, didn't bother with the bird at all. Maybe it's just my cat.
Simple efficace
Mon chat adore ce jouet. Il est efficace et est simple a installée.