Banana Boat® Écran solaire Dry Balance à FPS 50+

4,6 5 0 50 50 L’écran solaire Dry Balance de Banana BoatMD est conçu pour atténuer l’excès d’humidité et laisser un doux fini mat en séchant – si plaisant que vous voudrez en réappliquer, encore et encore! Sa formule offre une protection UVA et UVB à large spectre sans laisser de sensation grasse ni collante, pour une peau fraîche, confortable et au sec, de sorte que vous puissiez profiter pleinement des plaisirs du soleil!
Banana Boat® Écran solaire Dry Balance à FPS 50+


Love this
Great spray for when you have multiple kids. Helps no mess application love this
Very good
Very effective and non greasy. It doesn't leave a bad smell and very light on the skin.
Good value for money
It’s good as far as sunscreen goes, used it a couple of time and my daughter uses it now.
Crème solaire en spray
Cette crème solaire en spray est parfaite pour les enfant. Elle est en spray donc facile et rapide à utiliser et ne laisse pas de fini blanc sur la peau. Définitivement un produit à avoir pour l’été!
Excellent protection
We have red heads, with very fair skin, in out family and this is our go to sun protection for years. I love how dry it feels going on and the level of protect and waterproofness is top notch.
Perfect product for summers
It’s very easy to carry and apply during the big season and summer holidays. Mess free and light weight. Kids love the smell. Would buy it again
Dry feel!
This product is easy to apply and it feels dry on the skin which I love! The only downside for me is that too much sunscreen comes out of the bottle when spraying
Sunblock banana boat
My daughter has seriously sensitive skin and this product was great!! It smelt good, wasn't sticky like most and did not dry out my daughter's skin!! Thank you banana boat!!!
Compatible for all ages
To experience Canada's harsh sunny summers was unbearable without this highly safe, affordable and skin friendly product for all ages.My teenager son and my 5 years old kids don't go to school without taking this.It keeps our skin glowing .
Porcelain white chick
I am as white as white comes and burn like crazy. This product is reliable and I use it whenever I go out for a summer day! I love the spray on aspect, I hate cream! I would highly recommend this product and my child will be using this when they are older
Fair skin
I was and still am fairly blonde with fair skin and travel to Mexico in the winter. This product protects me from turning into a lobster
I love the feeling on my skin!
I really like this sunscreen. It gives the skin a nice, soft feel. Not sticky at all, and for me, that's one of the most important thing as I HATE with passion having sticky skin!!!
Great Product!
Very affective, non greasy and lasts in the sun and water
I like the product. Easy go apply and not greasy feeling.
Very useful
I liked this product a lot, not at all greasy, would recommend using this product.


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