Advil Cold & Sinus Liqui-Gels with Fever Relief and Nasal Decongestant

4.7 5 0 64 64 Fast-acting, non-drowsy Advil Cold & Sinus Liqui-Gels help shrink swollen nasal passages to open up your airways and relieve congestion, making it easier to breathe.
Advil Cold & Sinus Liqui-Gels with Fever Relief and Nasal Decongestant


Very good product
I have already bought one of this product and I was not disappointed. As I easely got cold, that product help me a lot to pass trought my winter
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Advil Cold & Sinus
Advil is great for reducing fever and aches. It lasts longer without having to take as often and not as hard on the digestive system. I would recommend to anyone to keep on hand for these type of problems.
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fast acting
one of the best to get better fast . fast relief of symtoms
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Very effective sinus cold relief
Fast acting sinus relief. I was able breathe and get on with my day
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This product worked wonders! Took no time at all to kick in and gave me relief when I needed it
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Cold and flu season
It was perfect timing to receive these as two days after I received the giftcard to purchase I ended up with a head cold. They did the trick and helped put my sinuses at ease.
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Amazingly effective!
I have no need to even consider looking to another brand! Advil has once again made a superior product! It's effective and works it's magic in no time! Thank you Advil!
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Quick and effective
First of all, the liqui-gel format is so much more pleasant and easy to swallow! This Advil is quick acting. I'd feel relief within 30 minutes of taking it. Very helpful with my headaches caused by sinus congestion. Definitely would recommend.
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Fait bien ce qu'il est supposé faire
J'ai bien aimé tester ce produit car effectivement, ça aide beaucoup lorsqu'on a un fort rhume. Ayant de jeunes enfants, je me dois d'être en forme pour m'occuper d'eux, que je sois malade ou non. De ce fait, ce médicament m'a aidé à continuer ma routine et vaquer à mes occupations malgré mon gros rhume.
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Vraiment efficace, soulage les désagréments du rhume rapidement. Soulage la congestion nasale, maux de tête. Et c'est pratique que ce soit sans somnolence. Un soulagement pour le jour autant que la nuit. Encore un produit de qualité de la compagnie Advil.
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Advil Cold & Sinus
Advil Cold & Sinus is very effective in the fight against flu symptoms. It works fast and effectively to bring fevers down and to clear up congestion. The capsules are easy to take from a trusted brand.
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Advil Cold and Sinus
This combo product is great. I've used the regular Advil Cold and Sinus (red box) and find the effectiveness the same. The fact that this formulation is in a gel format should mean that the capsules dissolve a little faster and should provide faster relief than the tablets. It worked the same for me.
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Une aide précieuse
J'ai vraiment trouvé ce produit très efficace. Il agit rapidement. Le soulagement perdure aussi pendant quelques heures. Le décongestionnant est super efficace surtout quand on se couche.
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This product is a game changer
I got Covid almost 2 weeks ago and I was down for the count. I was dizzy and exhausted. I was so stuffed up with a headache and fever and congestion. I felt awful. My husband reminded me that we had these meds and I took 2 to start and within an hour I felt human again enough to pick up my son from school and manage to get dinner made and the kids ready for bed. I took these meds for about 3-4 days and I actually felt well enough to function again. Thank you so much for letting me try these. They will be a staple in my house for any colds that go around!
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Vraiment efficace!!
J’ai testé les Advil rhume et sinus et je peux vous dire qu’elles font maintenant partie de ma pharmacie! Mes enfants vont à la garderie donc c’est immanquable, ma femme et moi avons des rhumes plusieurs fois par année. Cette année ne fait pas exception et contrairement à l’habitude cette fois-ci j’ai utilisé les advils rhume et sinus. C’est très efficace en ce qui concerne la congestion nasale, la fièvre et les courbatures. Ça ne vous enlèvera pas votre rhume comme par magie mais ça va certainement vous aidez à passer au travers. Je vous les recommandes fortement.
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