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Member since : 27 Jun 2020

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Reviews by: deseree

Tate's Bake Shop Blueberry Crisp Cookies


WOWZA. These cookies taste like your one morning a year birthday blueberry pancakes, but better! Nice and crisp. Sweet but light and the chewy blueberry is a nice surprise mixed in with the crispy cookie.

(4) Energizer LED Emergency Lantern


I was impressed with the lantern. At first I thought it was not bright enough but then I realized I didn't clock to the next setting and I almost blinded myself. With all the rolling blackouts I think this is a great thing to have on hand.

onn. Remanufactured HP 62XL Black & 62XL Color Ink Cartridges


These ink cartridges work just as good as the most expensive ones I've bought before. That's a pretty big deal.