White Glo Gum Health Whitening Toothpaste

4.3 5 0 82 82 Gum health is essential to having strong teeth and a healthy body. This daily use toothpaste helps reduce plaque bacteria and achieves whiter teeth in 7 days. Formulated with rose hip oil and strontium chloride in a gentle formula for healthier gums.<br> <li>Enamel safe <li>Fluoride protection <li>Whiter teeth in 7 days <li>Gentle freshness
White Glo Gum Health Whitening Toothpaste


Good but not great
This product is good but not great. I have been using it and have not seen much of a difference.
Cannot rate high enough
I cannot rate this product enough! I found this brand a few months ago and have not looked back. I have found my teeth not only getting whiter but my gums feel and look heathier.
I tried this toothpaste for a few months and did like that the taste of the toothpaste was actually quite nice compared to other toothpaste brands. I did see a slight change in my teeth colour, but it wasn't as noticeable as I was expecting. It didn't continue to whiten them as I used the product more.
I really enjoyed the free sample i got of this toothpaste. I really loved the taste and texture but didn't see much difference in my teeth in the 7 day difference it claims. I do think using this product for a long time would make a big difference
One of my go-tos
Came across this product in my local supermarket and brought it as it was on special. I have tried quite a few whitening toothpastes and this is definitely one of my favourites. Affective, well priced and still maintains that fresh-breath feeling that can be lost in whitening toothpastes.
New fav
Great purchase!! Got this as a sample and i have loved it ever since, feels natural and not too harsh
As as loyal user of White Glo or past 10 years i was upset when they changed up their products. I used to use the coffee & tea drinkers formula which no longer exists. I tried this one instead and was rather disappointed in it to be honest. White Glo have always had awesome toothpastes over the years with a pleasant flavor that left you feeling "fresh". In all honestly, i hated the flavor of this one with a passion! We all know what its like to brush your teeth and then have a drink of juice or a coffee and that awful taste. With the old White Glo you never got that, with the new product, the awful taste is back. My teeth never feel completely clean with this one as it did with previous variations. I also feel that my teeth lost the pre-obtained whiteness i had & have discolored since using this one in particular. I was annoyed that the cost of this product increased and the product size shrunk. You also don't get the toothbrush or cleaners anymore either which saddened me.
Brusha Brusha Brusha
Great tasting toothpaste without feeling gritty. Whitening is not really noticeable. We still buy the product.
Beautiful sparkling teeth
I love this product, it leaves my teeth looking brighter and whiter and it's safe for daily use.
Great product
I love it! I noticed a difference in my smile almost immediately. It brightens and whitens my teeth, it tastes great and best of all, unlike most other toothpastes it doesn’t make me feel sick after brushing.
White glo
Love the new branding, don’t love that they don’t include a toothbrush anymore. Pleasant flavour and brightens your smile well.
Great product
Myself and hubby have both tried and loved this! Recommend
Purchased this toothpaste on special and although it tastes great, I haven't noticed anything special from the regular toothpaste I would normally use. If it is still on special when I run out, I'll buy it again, but not specifically to whiten my teeth
I ran out of toothpaste recently and saw this on the shelf and it appealed to me, because of the packaging, but I am pleasantly surprised by how amazing it was. The only thing I would change is if it came in a metal container so it could be recycled.
Good Quality
The only brand I really use. So much variety to which is a plus.

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