White Glo Charcoal Deep Stain Remover Whitening Toothpaste

3.6 5 0 144 144 Whitening toothpaste with Activated Charcoal Particles helps to detoxify your mouth and removes deep stains and discolouration. The highly absorbent Activated Charcoal Particles penetrate and draw out stubborn stains, traps colour particles, fights ad breath and whitens teeth enamel.
White Glo Charcoal Deep Stain Remover Whitening Toothpaste


Good tooth paste but not so good for whi
I found this tooth paste good but as a coffee drinker the whitening part was not so good. I used this twice a day brushing for 2 minutes and flossing and after a month did not notice any difference to the shade of my teeth. Paste is pleasant and not to foamy when brushing
Good for a short time but not long term
I tried the small sample sizes of this toothpaste which was great so I bought this larger size with included toothbrush. The toothpaste amde my teeth very sensitive and didn't make my teeth whiter at all. If anything, theyre less white than regular toothpaste. The minty taste is also very weak, sometimes to the point of wondering if you have brushed you teeth. Wouldn't purchase again.
Pretty good whitener
I did find this toothpaste and brush combination pretty good at removing stains as it says it should however it is not made for sensitive teeth. If they had a sensitive teeth option it would get 5 stars from me.
Not great
It's okay as a tooth paste, However as a whitener its not effective
saw no difference
use this product for a month to see if it was worth it. unfortunately it did not help me and made my teeth so sensitive to cold foods/drinks. i was really excited and this was really disappointing.
A great clean
I drink a lot of coffee and I found this charcoal Colgate toothpaste was really great at getting rid of coffee staining on my tooth enamel. Overall it just cleaned my teeth really well.
Good product
I like it but I didn't see any difference after using this toothpaste for 2 weeks.
White Teeth but couldn't use pregnant
I love this product and my whole household use it! I was devastated that in my first trimester of pregnancy I couldn't use it as the taste made me gag. Otherwise great for whiter teeth and I love that it comes with a toothbrush and flossing kit.
Really good
As a smoker and a diet coke addict stains are a part of life, i found that white glo not only prevented me from getting further stains but it removed the ones there which made me feel more comfortable about smiling and as a bonus the flavour is not horrible. I would highly recommend this product.
the fact it willl turn ur teeeth black and then back to there oringinal white doesnt make them whiter, whiter then black but not your starting white
Didn’t see a change
It say you will see a change in 2 weeks I didn’t . Unfortunately I stopped using the product
Not for me
I didn't see any difference after using this toothpaste for 2 weeks.
Not as good as some
I regularly use white glo products and the added toothbrush reminds me to change it regularly. This toothpaste however wasn’t my favourite and I felt it tasted odd and the texture was difficult to get used to. I didn’t see a better result than what I get with their other toothpastes.
Brilliant stain remover
This was on sale for half price at Coles this week and I bought one for myself and my partner. I don't really have stained teeth, but I love the toothbrush included. It's firm and gives a really great clean. The charcoal toothpaste is a fun novelty being black. My partner's teeth have undergone a transformation. They are definitely much whiter and his breath has improved so much too. I'm really really impressed with this for the money.
Pretty good
This is a pretty good product for what its worth. It did brighten and whiten my teeth and contained a toothbrush which is amazing!!!

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