Sam’s Pantry Honey Salted Macadamia Nut Bar

4.6 5 0 101 101 Enjoy a delicious and nutty snack bar at anytime of the day with Sam’s Pantry Honey Salted Macadamia Nut Bar. A handy way of adding a little extra protein and healthy fats to your diet with less than 1 teaspoon of sugar!
Sam’s Pantry Honey Salted Macadamia Nut Bar


Absoutley Delicious
Sam's Pantry nuts bars are absolutely delicious - Great for a quick energy boost as a morning or afternoon snack
Great taste
Loved the flavour. Very crunchy, good amount of chocolate and honeycomb flavour.
I keep these in the car to feed the kids straight after school. It fills their tummies for a while and they are sweet enough to fill that craving. I love the yummy macadamia nuts too.
A sweet treat to not feel guilty about
These bars are delicious. As a super sweet tooth having delicious and healthy snacks as opposed to chocolate are must haves! Love that these are also packed with protein.
Perfect snack!
This snack is perfect for on the go and so handy to just throw into your bag. I loved how it doesn't melt and how it tastes so good without too much sugar. Love having these when I'm travelling on planes because they do not make me feel sick!
Sam's macadamia bars
I enjoyed these for a morning tea snack. Convenient to pop in my work bag and perfect size for a snack. Great taste.
Hiking snacks
These are my go to when taking snacks on a hike, as they provide a great energy boost when needed without any of the heaviness. I love the flavour, especially the addition of salt which makes it not too rich.
A very tasty bar and great value
Originally tried when on special and was very pleasantly surprised. With 3 boys at home ranging from 7 - 15 I found these bars to be a great snack for all (including myself) and at a much more reasonable price then some of the alternatives. Would definitely recommend to family & friends
Tasty brand
I’m pretty fussy when it comes to nut bars they have to be worth stuff stuck in my teeth.. was pretty tasty would buy when on special again
Great for the lunchbox
Taste great and works well in the lunchbox for a snack or meal too up. It tastes great
on the run snack
Other quality addition to the Sams range. Plenty of flavour and plenty of nuts.Being less sugar is a bonus also.
These are a great healthy alternative to others on the market
Tasty and Pretty Healthy!
All of the Sam's Pantry have one thing in common. They're a healthy snack that picky eaters are much more likely to enjoy than other nut bars. I have ASD and am frequently embarrassed by how "picky" I am, when I can't help it. I got so used to gagging and shuddering while forcing down foods that I hate because it was "healthy" and I needed to eat better. I'd often prefer to skip eating entirely, wouldn't eat lunch and often skip breakfast or dinner as well, and would always feel hungry and upset. These bars were a lifesaver for a while, with a sweet taste while still being fairly healthy and being something I could eat without being criticized by those around me. The only issue is I eventually got criticized for only eating these, haha. I'm in a healthier place, but if you're in a similar place, or have a child who won't eat anything other than a few kinds of foods, I would highly recommend at least giving these a try! :]
Great Tasting
I love this Sam's museli bar. Great tasting and satisfying. Great size bar that fits in your bag to eat anytime. Has great amount of nuts and chocolate. Very yummy
Easy to eat and satisfying
These bars are good for work and I often alternate between this brand and other bars for my work breaks. I do find the flavours can get a little repetitive if you were to buy and eat multiple each day, however, it is so convenient that I would purchase this again.

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