OPTIMUM Adult Dry Dog Food Chicken Vegetables & Rice

4.4 5 0 66 66 Optimum pet food is made in Australia and contains no artificial colours or flavours. Optimum Adult All Breeds with Chicken, Vegetables and Rice is a complete balanced and nutritionally complete dry food diet for adult dogs aged 2 years and over. This diet has been formulated with wholegrains and beet pulp, which provides a natural source of fibre. This helps to control intestinal transit and maximise nutrient absorption which results in smaller, firmer stools.
OPTIMUM Adult Dry Dog Food Chicken Vegetables & Rice


My little girl loves theses biscuits and gobbles them up every time
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Dogs love it
Very quickly eaten and enjoyed by my dogs. I know that I am giving them something they love and is good for them. Will definitely buy again
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Greenies Dry Dog Biscuits!
My dog loved this dry food which says alot as he is very fussy when it comes to dry food, so it was a big hit!
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My Jack considers this a treat. He loves it either in his bowl occasionally but more so if I just feed him them as treats.
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Good for bigger dogs
My dog didn't seem to object to the taste, however we would have been better with the one for small breed as she struggled with the size
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My dog took to this dry food straight away. She is normally hesitant when I introduce new foods but she scoffed in with no hesitation.
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Good size for small dogs
Good size biscuits for my little guy. I like the high protein content and he loved the taste.
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Great dry food
My dogs loved eating the Optimum Adult Dry Dog Food, Chicken, Vegetables and Rice flavour. They pieces were easy for them to chew. I'm not sure though if I would buy this product in the future, as it is a bit expensive. I will definitely buy it when it is on special.
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Doggy approved
Our dog absolutely devoured her optimum adult dry dog food and couldn't wait to get her next serve.
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The dog loves it!
Charlie thought this dry food was delicious and readily ate it at every opportunity.
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My puppy
My 3 year old dog is very fussy, and at first would not even try the dry food. I persevered, mixing it with the wet food and a little bit of cheese and she ate it all - now, she is quite happy to eat the dry food as long as I put some cheese on the top.
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Optimum dry
This dry food she absolutely loved, didn't upset her tummy and enjoyed every little biscuit
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Enjoyed by small dogs
One of my dogs can be fussy and has been off his dry food on occasion, but seems to enjoy this dry food and ate it with enthusiasm. The pieces are a good size - not too small for chewing, but not too big for a small dog. The flavour was one my dogs like a lot
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Good flavour
My dog liked the flavour but the size of the pellets was a bit too big for him. Took him a while to eat as he has to break the pieces up. Pretty good aroma.
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My dog loves this dry food
The Optimum (Chicken, Vegetables & Rice) dry dog food was a real hit with my dog. She absolutely loved the taste. And as an owner I loved that it had no artificial colours or flavours and that it was made here in Australia. Prefer that it uses wholegrains and is great for my dog's skin and coat health. Happy with the nutrition and my dog loves it!!!
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