Nestle Nan Comfort Stage 3 Milk Drink Powder

4.7 5 0 47 47 Nan Comfort Stage 3 Toddler Milk Drink is a nutritional milk supplement designed for toddlers from 1 year of age when energy and nutrient intakes may not be adequate. It contains 16 essential vitamins and minerals, plus probiotic, Lactobacillus reuteri.
Nestle Nan Comfort Stage 3 Milk Drink Powder


Nestle Nan Comfort Stage 3 Milk Drink
Nestle NAN Comfort Stage 3 Milk Drink Powder is a tailored formula designed for toddlers from 12 months onwards. It aims to support their nutritional needs during this critical growth phase. Enriched with essential nutrients, it typically promotes easy digestion and healthy development, helping toddlers transition into a balanced diet. However, individual preferences and suitability may vary, so consulting a healthcare professional is recommended for personalized advice.
Great formula
Both my kids have had NAN Comfort from level 1 to 3. It’s the only formula that didn’t cause constipation, it was actually recommended to me by my midwife as my firstborn was really struggling with anything ‘Gold’, apparently the iron content is higher in Gold labelled formulas and some babes can’t process it, both my kids were the same. NAN Comfort was a godsend!
Great toddler formula
We used nan comfort 3 when our toddler weaned from breastfeeding but we felt they still needed some extra nutrition that they weren't getting in their diet. Nan comfort was one of the only formulas they took that didn't cause any constipation, and our toddler happily took it for a few months before swapping to cows milk. We will definitely be using nan comfort again when needed with our second child
Use this product regularly and very pleased with this product and would buy again
Nan Confort
Used the Nan Confort formula stages 1-3 with both of my boys, it is very nutritional, keeps them full for a long time and it is light on their stomach. Never had any formula shortage issues and Nan Comfort stage 3 often goes on sale which is a plus with the cost of living at the moment. Would definitely recommend to other formula feeding parents
Nan & pop
Love this formula great for all ages from birth right though 5 stars
Great for the money!
This is one of the only formulas my toddler will actually drink. It mixes easily, and is relatively inexpensive compared to other brands. It’s definitely worth a try for fussy kids.
I do prefer other brands but the shop was out or my usual so I got this and was very happy
Life saver
We started using stage 3 when my 2year old started refusing set foods to ensure he was still getting a full belly and nutrition. A nice warm special milk before bed
I’d Use It Again
This product was amazing for helping transition my son from breast feeding to formula. Obviously the initial couple of days it’s a matter of adapting to the difference in the texture and taste but once this hurdle is done - YOU CANT GO WRONG!!! My son loved this product.
Best formula
Nestle NAN is the best formula for newborn. It was really helpful in our initial days of feeding a newborn. Due to c section my milk didn't come through and our 4.1 kg born big baby needed his feed. So my husband bought this formula and my bub finished it in a month. Our bub never got gas or constipation or any stomach problem. Our 7 weeks old loves it and we bought our second one.
Great for fussy eaters
My son was always a fussy eater so being able to find a toddler milk he liked really gave me peace of mind that he was having more of his nutritional needs met. The price is quite reasonable too.
Used this with my 2 babies
Between breast feeding I would also give formula and tried Nan comfort and never looked back. It was so gentle on there tummies and never had a problem with it.
Perfect for a reflux baby
I used other formulas however this one was the best for my Bub. It agreed with her stomach and she was able to digest well!
This formula is okay for the price point and my son took to it quickly as i was combined feeding (breastfed also). I did find after about 3-4 days he did become a little bit constipated though so ended up switching to another.

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