Nestlé Milo Milkybar Block

4.4 5 0 155 155 Milo Milkybar is the perfect pairing of smooth and creamy Milkybar with Milo powder and crispy choc-malt balls! This smooth & creamy recipe has no artificial colours or flavours.
Nestlé Milo Milkybar Block


Tastes just how you imagine
It’s hard to go wrong with milkybar chocolate and Milo. This definitely hasn’t gone wrong. The way you imagine it would taste when you look at it is exactly it. It’s hard not to finish the block.
White chocolate and Milo bliss
When I saw Nestle's milo milkybar on the shelf I had to give it a try, so glad I did, I'm not really a Milo fan but mixed with white chocolate this is the yummiest chocolate I've ever had, the Milo isn't as intence with the white chocolate and smooths it down to scrumptious smooth mouth watering delight.
Very tasty
The combination of white chocolate + milo goes together well, super tasty and I find once I have one bite I can’t help myself and end up finishing the entire pack in one sitting.
Unique texture but I like it?
This chocolate is definitely unlike any other on the market. It has the familiar milo texture with granular pieces within a standard white chocolate block. While it's a unique textural experience, I actually love it. The taste is delicious, a perfect ratio of milo and milk white chocolate that isn't too rich.
Deliciousness of Milky Bar AND MILO! What more could you want really?! Definitely buying again and agian!
Nice Mix!
Nestle Milky Bar with Milo is the bomb!!! That silky smooth white chocolate only Nestle can perfect with chunks of Milo blended just right. A word to Nestle however…. Bring back the O.G. Milo Bar!!!
Love it
I love milo and milky bars so seeing this product come to life was like a dream! It tastes super nice, each bite has chunks of milo which is great! It was really good to try but I prefer other chocolates.
I wanted more
Just The perfect blend between white chocolate and Milo spot on. But me personally might throw in a bit of peppermint in next time though
More milo
The block is good with the strong white choc taste, I would prefer if there was more Milo.
Yummy milky bar
I absolutely love this chocolate, I like Milo and love Nestlé white chocolate. It's a really yummy blend, with that creamy white Nestlè chocolate texture mixed with Milo.....I'm in heaven. Totally recommend this to people who love Milo and white chocolate. But I warn you, the packet doesn't last long, I can't stop until it's gone.
I have to admit to only buying the 38 gram bar and not the block because if it was too tasty I knew I be able to stop scoffing down the lot...and I was right. The little chocolate rice krisps mimic the crunchy Milo top you get when you pile it into icy cold milk. It improves the texture of the Milky bar and the flavour because without it I find it too sweet and it melts too quickly otherwise. The block would definitely have been dangerous. I'm a fan.
Can never have enough Milo
Tastes great, could have a stronger Milo flavour but would definitely buy again.
Milo chocolate
This product tastes nice would definitely recommend it
Light and Crunchy White Chocolate
This is a fun chocolate bar, it's not overly sweet compared to other white chocolates, and it has crunchy bits for texture, I recommend it to people who want to try something new!
This is my favourite nestle chocolate. The white chocolate mixed with Milo is perfect .

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