Higher Living Sweet Dreams Tea Bags

4.7 5 0 92 92 Higher Living infusions use quality ingredients grown to the highest organic standards and aim to avoid the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilisers. The relaxing evening infusion combines lemon balm, lavender and chamomile with a soothing blend of herbs.
Higher Living Sweet Dreams Tea Bags


Who would have thought of putting chamomile and lavender together. This is genius. You can really taste the flavours in this tea. And it certainly does help to relax and smooth you at night. I have this just before bed.
Super Delicious
A lovely alternative to plain chamomile! very soothing & smooth taste (especially with a small amount of honey added) Fantastic way to wind down after a stressful day!
My go to tea!
This is my go to tea for relaxing. I have at least a cup every day, and not just before bed. It’s not only so calming, it also tastes so good! I have also got my housemates onto it :)
This actually works!
I use this tea when I need to relax at the end of the evening before bed, or if I wake too early on the weekend but still want a sleep in. It truly, truly works. Within a short time of drinking this tea, all my tension drains away and I am off to the land of nod. The taste is enjoyable, not too strong, but most of all, the most wonderful effect of this tea is enjoying sweet dreams and restful sleep! Highly recommended!
A nice drink to prepare for bedtime
Not even sleeping tablets make me sleepy so it was no surprise when a herbal tea didn't have a lot of effect on me, but the taste was really pleasant and I found having a quiet time before bed with a nice cup of tea did help me relax and prepare for bed. It is lovely in winter to have something warm just before bed.
Sleep tea awesome
This is a lovely tasting and relaxing sleep tea. My daughter and I both enjoy it
Nice taste and does relax you. Would defiantly buy again.
My no 1 choice
This tea is my favourite for night time and I take pleasure in knowing there’s no nasties in it. I enjoy the taste and it helps me wind down after a busy day. I just wish it came in a bigger pack!
Relaxing tea
This is a good tea to make if you are feeling stressed and anxious or have trouble falling asleep. I like to make myself a cup in the evening so by the time I need to go to bed I'll be feeling calm and much more relaxed. The taste isn't too bad and I like that it's organic!
Sweet dreams are made of tea!
This was a great tea for me, it calmed my anxiety at my previous full on job. Nice flavour and easy to drink!
Really good combination of flavours. Nothing overpowering but a delicate balance of all the flavours needed for a delicious bed time drink.
Relaxing and delicious
I am a huge advocate of natural remedies and the use of herbs and teas in day to day life. I have tried many a tea and highly recommend this. Delicious taste without any undesirable after taste to prepare and relax you for bedtime. A staple in my household
I have terrible trouble getting to sleep and this tea actually works. The taste isnt my favourite but i got used to it. Now my nightly staple.
Relaxing before bed
This is a lovely night-time tea that I enjoy regularly. It has a nice, mild taste that's perfect for when I want a hot drink but don't feel like regular English Breakfast tea.
Better quality of sleep
Really not sure if it’s a pseudo effect but everytime I give this to anyone else they get sleepy within half an hour. I find it relaxing but suffer from insomnia so can’t sleep from it.

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