Face Halo Reusable Makeup Removing Pad

4.6 5 0 90 90 Face Halo quickly and easily removes makeup, using HaloTech fibres with water only. Non-toxic and reusable, Face Halo replaces up to 500 single-use makeup wipes. No need to rub or scrub, Face Halo gently removes makeup and impurities, perfect for any skin type or sensitivity.
Face Halo Reusable Makeup Removing Pad


Cleanser free make up removal
I love face halo! It removes any product/make up from my face without having to use any chemicals. I havn't had a break out in so long. Also great for the environment - its reusable so no need to buy bottles of cleanser.
Awesome product!
This product is amazing at wishing away all the days makeup & dirt with a minimum amount of product. I love that theres a few in the pack so you can use it & throw it in the wash to be used again & again so good fro the environment. Love it!
Best For removing makeup
I absolutely love these I got them as a gift from beauty haven as in I spent my points on them and I’m obsessed with them I use there red ones too and the pride ones absolutely worth buying they last a long time
I haven’t purchased makeup wipes since I bought my face halo. It’s so easy to use and gets all my day to day makeup off easily. If I have a heavier makeup on I use a little bit of cleanser to help. So easy to clean, I just chuck them in the machine and hang them out to dry
yes and no
love that is soft and good enough to remove the makeup, love it can be used a lot of times,
Removes most make-up and clay masks
These are reusable pads that work really well with water to remove light make-up, sunscreen and also leave-on clay masks. They are also environmentally friendly as you use less cleanser. Rinse after use and chuck in the washing machine for a good clean. Mine have lasted quite well (over a year).
Goodbye Makeup
After a long night dancing, the last thing I want to do is wash my face multiple times to ensure all the makeup is removed. The face halo does the work for me. It is astonishing the difference it makes in my face routine - my skin thanks the makers.
The original product is best
I have been using these for a long time. I have a couple of packets that I use on high rotation. Easy to get my full face of make up off (just wet the pad) - easy to wash I rinse it out & put on some stain remover & throw it in the wash. Great for the environment as you are not using single use wipes any more.
Girls best friend
Great product to take off makeup easy to use even for teenagers. A time saver for makeup removal the product can be washable over all great product,I would highly recommend this.
Fantastic - no allergic reaction - money saving
I’ve used Halo makeup removers for two years now and I’m so very pleased I discovered them. Previously I was getting eye infections and reactions to eye removing products and facial wipes. Since using Halo removers which only require water, no more infections and reactions. They are very efficient also at removing all your makeup. I use long lasting lipstick which other removers struggle to get off (I’m sure it’s made from Teflon - ha ha), but the Halo pads wipe off the lipstick easily. I’m so surprised every time. They are easy to clean - just throw them in the wash machine with your regular load (although I actually prefer to put them in a mini ‘laundry wash bag’ to wash them). I recently holidayed in the UK & Spain over Christmas and hand washed them. The trick to getting them dry before you travel the next day is to wring them in a dry hand towel after washing them and they are dry by the morning. (Note: don’t use a hair dryer, they start melting from the heat).
Worth it
The Face Halo is a must for any beauty queen. I tried both the pro and the original, and for me i found the original works best as im not a heavy make up user. If you do wear a lot of make up, definitely get the pro. The soft material doesnt loose its softness over the course of washes, so you never will get a scratchy halo. Best tip: Buy a soap bar, and just scrub the halo with it after each use in between your machine washes
I have been using Face Halo for 3 years and would never go back to makeup wipes or any other makeup removal methods! I have very sensitive skin and struggled for a long time to find a makeup removal method that did not irritate my skin, especially around my eyes; this was the perfect solution as it only requires the use of water. One removal pad last me around two or three months and washing is it really simple (washing machine). I really appreciate that it is a more environmentally friendly option compared to traditional makeup wipes and would highly recommend that everyone make the switch!
You need one of these
This is the best reusable make up removing pad out there. Its fibers are so soft, its perfect for removing a mask, make up or just assisting with cleanser use when you need some extra exfoliation. Only con is its rather pricey and for the price of one of these you can get multiple of another brand which ive done once but felt bad about it because nothing compares to the face halo for me
I have many of these, they come in two sizes, medium or large. Which is perfect depending on how much makeup you have on that day. I wear makeup daily and this is my go-to product for removing makeup as no makeup remover is required. Obviously if you want your skin to be properly cleaned than you should use a cleanser of some sort, but just to get makeup off its perfect! And the best part it is reusable countless times and really soft on the face.
Environmentally friendly & easy to use!
I regularly use the face halos to remove my makeup. Super easy to use and nice and gentle. These are a great alternative for me to make-up wipes which cause sensitivity in my skin. The only downside is that I always forget to pop them in the wash!! If I am wearing particularly heavy or waterproof makeup I willuse these with a micellar like Bioderma to make sure my face is squeaky clean!

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