Cetaphil Baby Shampoo with Natural Camomile

4.7 5 0 67 67 Cetaphil Baby Shampoo with soothing chamomile gently cleanses sensitive scalp without drying. This tear-free, hypoallergenic formula leaves hair soft with a silky shine. Gentle enough for infant's hair.
Cetaphil Baby Shampoo with Natural Camomile


Love love love
I love this product I use the whole cetaphil range for my two bubbas from birth recommended for me by my doctor for my son with eczema
Love this for my baby
Doesn’t smell which is good for my baby’s sensitive skin and has a nice texture. Baby doesn’t have dry scalp after using it so I’m sticking to it.
Very good
This item is pretty good, it does moisturise little ones skin, left no rashes. Happy with this product.
Cetaphil Baby Shampoo
I use Cetaphil Baby Shampoo on my newborn with sensitive skin. It seems to moisturise his skin and leave it feeling soft, after every wash. I use this in conjunction with the Cetaphil lotion too.
our shampoo
this is the shampoo I use for my kids. it lathers well, has a nice scent and doesn't sting their little eyes
Works well, smells nice
This product worked well for us. It smelt nice, lathered easily and bubbled in the bath. We had no adverse reactions on the skin and found moisturising afterwards was not necessary.
Nothing fancy
I tried this product for my 8 month old son and I did not fancy it. I was expecting more out of it certainly. Mayb less chemicals would do better.
Great smell
This is great all rounder even I use it myself been using it for a long time and I love it. The smell is lovely and it stays on the skin for a long time after applied.. Cetaphil products are great thank you
Gentle and smooth
Currently using this baby shampoo and I love it.Very gently and my baby head is not dry or scaly. Nil irritation or reaction from the product so I am happy with it.Highly recommend it
Like it
I used the product for my little boy for 3 years. Good one
This cetaphil baby shampoo is the best! I love the smell and it does not dry out my kids skin but leaves it well hydrated and can trust that my baby is clean I highly recommend it!
Great shampoo for bub, it smells great as well as being very soft and gentle on her skin. She never complains if some accidentally gets in her eyes, definitely out go to!
Best Product
I switched to Cetaphil after my baby came out in eczema. His Eczema cleared up after a few days of using the Cetaphil. This is my go to product for my baby!
The best on baby’s skin
Great for babies with sensitive skin and smells great
Fantastic for adults with itchy scalp too!
I get a stress related rash on my scalp from time to time and I have tried all the medicated shampoos to no avail. Someone gave me a sample of this in the supermarket and i thought I would give it a try. I have not looked back since! Every time I get the stress related rash, I use this product and it does not irritate my scalp but keeps my hair looking clean.

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