BAND-AID Advanced Footcare Blister Cushion Medium 5s

4.5 5 0 6 6 Advanced footcare blister cushion medium extreme has extra cushioning support and contains hydrocolloid technology which relieves blister pain on your feet instantly. They can also be used to prevent painful blisters from forming, as it cushions and protects the skin providing a multi-day protection.
BAND-AID Advanced Footcare Blister Cushion Medium 5s


Works great, you forget it's there.
Great compactable product you can put in your bag with super easy application onto the skin. Once it is on it lasts a few days and you don't notice it's there. It also protects the skin from further damage so you can keep wearing footwear while it heals. Great product!
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great for blisters
Great for healing blisters and barely noticeable. Only downside is, does not last in the shower.
Blister no more!
As someone who has struggled with blisters on my feet my whole life, I am constantly searching for the right product. These band-aid blister cushions are the perfect item for healing blisters. They stay on (even in water!!!) and provide the best care needed for my sore feet. Highly recommend this product to anyone in need!! Always handy to have a pack just in case.
Great for sore blisters!
As someone who's prone to blisters on the back of my ankles due to the shoes I wear, finding relief has been a constant struggle. However, since discovering these blister cushions, dealing with blisters has become much more manageable. The medium-sized cushions fit perfectly over the back of my ankles, providing a comfortable barrier between my shoes and skin. Not only do they alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with blisters, but they also help prevent further irritation and friction, allowing my blisters to heal properly. They stay in place throughout the day, even with constant movement and activity.
Works well, very helpful
Gone are the days of blisters and using band-aid that just don't work well, fall off so are just no help. These work really well and help the healing process. I do have a question tho, why 5. I have two feet. Odd number in pack is a bit odd. Also because when I have a blister on my foot I usually have one on both, especially after those new shoes. For future blisters yes I would prob use and buy again.
BAND-AID Advanced Footcare
BANDAID Advanced Footcare Blister Cushion Medium 5s is a go-to for effective and immediate relief from foot blisters. With advanced technology and a medium size for versatile use, these cushions provide a secure and protective barrier. The pack of 5 ensures convenience for addressing multiple blisters, making them a practical choice for foot blister care.

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