Halwani Bros Al Nakhla Tahina

4.8 5 0 4 4 <li>Has the traditional tahina flavor and creamy consistency <li>Provides nutrition and makes healthy <li>High in protein, vitamins and minerals Immune-boosting snack for you
Halwani Bros Al Nakhla Tahina


Good product
Always needed when making hummus , dip for filafel and other Arabic dishes. Best product compared to others.
جدداااً لذيذه . اعتقد انها افضل الأنواع بالسوق ، لاني جربت كم نوع مااش، بس ذي والله رهيبة
Really good,But there is better
Well, as an Egyptian, tahini is necessary in Egyptian cuisine and my family loves adding it to any dish, and this 9ne actually taste really good but it's a little bland and runny for a tahini, it taste a bit diluted, but if you need tahini you can really use it, Although using a local egyptian tahini should be the best decision you can make.
Good and healthy
I can't made hummus with this. Its gives very nice taste perfect consistency i can use in salads also

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