Aseel Vegetable Ghee

3 5 0 3 3 Aseel is wonderful flavor goes well in all your sweet recipes such as baklava. Its pure butter taste is light is perfect for entrees, stews and pretty much any dish that asks for butter. <li>You can use aseel vegetable ghee for your regular cooking regime as it is a perfect combination of health and taste <li>This vegetable ghee contains vitamins a d and beta carotene which helps you boost your metabolism
Aseel Vegetable Ghee


Good product
I am using this product since 7 years now and i really like it i use it to make parathas and cookies (naan khatai).
Delivers a great taste to the food budget friendly I have used especially for my sweet dishes and rice dishes.
Not healthy
Not healthy not sutible for healthy people it's not natural

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