Love Child Organics Collation Love Ducks à saveur de pomme et fraise

4,8 5 0 18 18 Nos adorables canetons soufflés Love Child Organics sont faits à partir de farine de maïs, de farine de riz, d’huile de tournesol, de fruits et de légumes déshydratés – le tout sans OGM – et rien d’autre! Ils sont savoureux et agréables à manger. Vos enfants en oublieront leur envie de sucre et de sel. Une collation idéale pour les bébés et les enfants. Coin, coin, coin.
Love Child Organics Collation Love Ducks à saveur de pomme et fraise


Tastes sweet and light!
Perfect for my son as it dissolves easily and tastes great. There's a hint of strawberry but the apple is more prominent. A little more pricey than other baby snacks but it's organic so its worth it!
Good stuff
My kids absolutely love this stuff it's there favorite snack
Excellent for my 1 year old
Helps with her finger coordination while still allowing for a healthy and nutritional snack. Price was reasonable as well, I would definitely recommend this.
All my kids absolutely loved these! Highly recommended for younger kids.
I bought these for my grandkids and they love them , I like that they are healthy and no GMO products
Ma fille adore!!!
Ces collations pour bébé sont géniales et ma fille en raffole! Elles contiennent des beaux ingrédients! J’en ai souvent avec moi quand on sort pour la distraire ou la faire patienter! Très gagnant!
Loved it!
My 10 months daughter is super selective, but she LOVES these! They are super tasty and I would enjoy it with her.
Great for snacks on the go
grand kids love them and I feel good about giving snacks that don’t have a lot of extra preservatives.
Great snack with great ingredients! My kid loves it and always asks for more. Its my go to snack. I even snack on it myself sometimes. highly recommend to parents, if they are looking for a healthy snack for their kids.
En voyage!
Cette collation simple est très apprécié par ma fille. Les ingrédients sont santé et très faible en sucre. En tant que maman, je me sens moins coupable par cette alternative saine, goûteuse et abordable.
Great product
Teasts great ,great value. Great snack , healthy . Yummy Healthy snack.Easy to find in the store Should come in larger quantity.
Baby loves them
My 9 month old loves them. They melt in his mouth, which is great since he only has 1 tooth lol.
Baby approuve
Love it ! Easy tastes great easy to bring baby loves them ! Plus organic for my little one
On the go snack for my kids
My kids like them. They taste decent to me. Great snack for when you are out with the kids, very convenient on the go or on car rides. They can get messy if your little ones are unsupervised. However, the bits and pieces are easy to clean up with a vaccum.
Love these
My kids love them and I think they’re tasty too. Dissolve fast so you don’t worry about choking. I like to fill their snack cups


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