Lápiz quitamanchas instantáneo Tide to Go

4.7 5 0 677 677 El mini bolígrafo Tide to Go es el quitamanchas instantáneo y portátil que ayuda a eliminar muchas manchas de alimentos y bebidas frescas en el acto. Mantén un Tide to Go en tu maletín, auto, bolso y cocina, dondequiera que encuentres manchas. Haga su pedido con Drive up hoy y lo llevaremos directamente a su automóvil.
Lápiz quitamanchas instantáneo Tide to Go


Excellent product
A great product to say the least. It is absolutely wonderful and it removes all stains promptly. Such a life saver on the go and on vacations it has came to our rescue many of times.
Great for travel
I take one of these everywhere. I keep one in my overnight bag, one in my vehicle, one at work and have several around the house. They are great at getting out stains. Even if it is a bad stain, it is lightened up. I used it on a dress for a friend on a soda stain, and after a few minutes, it looked as good as new.
So convenient
I am clumsy and always spilling and dropping things on my clothes. These tide pens are so convenient in keeping stains from setting in. I keep one in my purse and one in my desk, so there is always one around me. Then, when I get home, I throw the clothing item in the wash and I’m always thankful that it comes out stain free!
solves all stains
I was amazed at how quickly and effectively the Tide to Go pen removed stains from my clothes. Whether it was coffee, food, or even ink stains, this little pen tackled them all with ease. The stain remover worked like magic, lifting the stains right before my eyes without damaging the fabric. I was particularly impressed by how well it worked on tough stains like red wine, which I had struggled to remove in the past.
Convenient But Stains Remained
I used to keep one of these at work just in case. First, I was put off by the weird smell. When I tried it on my stain it faded it a little but didn't remove it. I don't think I expected miracles but I can't say that the pen made much of a difference. It is convenient and maybe works better on certain kinds of stains more than others.
Tide To Go Pen
I love this tide to go pen. It is perfect to store in your purse or car due to the small size. This does work to remove stains and is gentle on clothing. I love the Tide brand!
Simply magic.
I carry this with me everywhere where I go. I use in for the kids and my own shoes mostly. I haven’t encountered anything it doesn’t work on yet.
Works good on stains
Love this pen. Can be carried in your purse or pocket. Works very well, even on set stains.
Simple and Easy
I keep these pens everywhere. I have one in my car, my diaper bag, my purse, my desk, and in the laundry room. They are so convenient to use; any time you have some sort of small stain that you don't want to have set in! The pens are so easy & convenient, just take the cap off, push the pen on to the stain, and "color" it away! Even when I don't wash it right away and it looks as if the stain has spread; it is always gone once washed.
Great for on the go
This product is amazing for on the go stain/spot remover, especially having kids it makes my life so much easier and it actually gets the stains/spots out! Highly recommend this product!
Purse Necessity
A need to have on the go - especially with little ones. Works wonders - I can apply over the stain and throw it in the wash later and know my stain will be removed. Reminds me - I have to get a refill now!
These Tide sticks are GOLD!
I can't recommend these Tide To-Go Sticks enough! Great for work, school, purses, backpacks, cars...anywhere. I've always them on hand for fresh stains and as long as I apply it quickly, my clothing never stains.
They work!
My husband keeps these pens at work and always makes sure he has at least 2 on hand. He has to wear white shirts for his captain position and he has gotten ketchup, blood, coffee, etc on his white shirts and the Tide pens work like magic! Would definitely recommend!
Magic in little tube ..
It truly amazes me. These are truly a MUST HAVE. They have helped me so many times. I love how easy they are to use, they have a nice applicator tip so you can rub the mixture into ur stain. And I’m telling you, it almost instantly lifts the stain right out. You don’t have to do anything else, just apply and put the cap back on and you’re all set. Stain is gone, you look fabulous again, it’s magic!! I HIGHLY recommend this product, so so much! If you have not tried one yet, I would go out and buy one. You’ll never know when your going to need it.. I use mine all the time !
This Tide pen is miraculous!!
This stain eraser is absolutely amazing! It has saved me so many times. Especially when I'm on the go traveling or eating in the car. Takes the stain right out. Thank you Tide! I'll never go without one in my car and my luggage.

P y R

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